
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Hausheer <>
Date: Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Call for Papers: IEEE P2P 2012
To: David Hausheer <hausheer at>

                 IEEE P2P 2012
 12th International Conference in Peer-to-Peer Computing
                CALL FOR PAPERS

September 3-5 2012, Tarragona (Spain)

# Papers Due: *** April, 13 2012 ***
# Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings
# by the IEEE Computer Society Press, which are indexed by EI.

The P2P'12 conference solicits papers on all aspects of large-scale
distributed computing. Of particular interest is research that
furthers the state-of-the-art in the design and analysis of
large-scale distributed applications and systems, or that investigates
real, deployed, applications or systems. We seek high-quality and
original contributions on this general theme along a range of topics

   * Information retrieval and query support
   * P2P for cloud computing
   * Large-scale infrastructure technology
   * Semantic overlay networks and semantic query routing
   * P2P for grids, clouds, and datacenters
   * Deployed (commercial) applications and systems
   * Security, trust, and reputation
   * Cooperation, incentives, and fairness
   * P2P economics
   * Social networks
   * Overlay architectures and topologies
   * Overlay interaction with underlying infrastructure
   * Overlay monitoring and management
   * Self-organization
   * P2P applications and systems over mobile networks
   * Measurements and modeling of P2P and cloud systems
   * Performance, robustness, and scalability

Paper submission guidelines

Papers can be submitted either as full papers or as short papers
(following the IEEE single-spaced two-column format and a 10-point
font size). Full papers should not exceed 10 pages and short papers
should not exceed 5 pages. Short papers are expected to present work
that is less mature but holds promise, articulate a high-level vision,
describe challenging future directions or offer results that do not
merit a full submission. Please note that short papers also need
evaluation results or analysis to corroborate the claims of the paper
and that a paper longer than 5 pages is treated as a full paper.

Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through the EDAS
paper-submission website linked from the conference website. IEEE
templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word, as well as related
information, can be found at the IEEE Digital Toolbox webpage. The
conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Communications

All submissions will be evaluated using a double-blind review
process. To ensure blind reviewing, papers should be anonymized by
removing author names and affiliations, as well as by masking any
information about projects and bibliographic references, etc. that
might reveal the authors' identities. Papers that are not properly
anonymized will be rejected without review. Submitted papers should
describe original and previously unpublished research and are not
allowed to be simultaneously submitted or under review elsewhere.

*Note:* P2P 2012 will experiment with two changes to the traditional
reviewing process: two-phase reviewing and "open reviews". These
changes are an effort to provide additional feedback to authors of
submitted papers and make the overall reviewing process more
transparent. Specifically, all paper submissions will receive between
3 and 5 reviews each; while all papers will receive at least 3
reviews, papers of sufficient quality will undergo a second reviewing
phase. In addition, the camera-ready version of each accepted paper
will be accompanied by a 1-page summary that consists of the
significant portions of the (anonymized) reviews that the paper
received during the reviewing process and a 1-paragraph summary by the
authors detailing how they addressed the reviewers' comments. The
conference proceedings as well as the conference website will include
the camera-ready version of each accepted paper together with the
corresponding 1-page summary review.

In addition to the main conference, IEEE P2P 2012 will have a poster
and demo session, and a conference best paper award.  Thanks to the
supporting organizations, P2P 2012 also plans to offer a small number
of travel grants . Application Information for these grants will be
published in the P2P'12 web site.

Important Dates

 * Abstract Submission: April 6, 2012
 * Submission Deadline: April 13, 2012
 * Notification: July 9, 2012
 * Author Registration Deadline: July 20, 2012
 * Camera-ready: July 29, 2012
 * Conference dates: September 3-5, 2012

Contact Information

Fabian Bustamante and John Douceur (TPC Chairs)
Email: p2p12-chairs at

Pedro Garcia Lopez (General Chair)
Email: p2p12 at

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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