On Mon, 2012-06-18 at 12:49 -0400, Steve Dougherty wrote:
> On 06/18/2012 07:48 AM, Pouyan Zaxar wrote:
> > At the time I am converting existing Toadlets one-by-one into
> > Wicket components and pages. So if there has been anything
> > bothering you, or anything you always wanted to have, jut let me
> > know or add it directly to
> > 
> > https://wiki.freenetproject.org/User:Pausb/Winterface
> Excellent! I've added a few more ideas to the list. Did you manage to
> figure out the problem you were having with the bookmark manager not
> updating?

Great! Thanks for the update.

I still happen to have problems with BookmarkManager. Currently Im
working on UserAlert(s) and will get back to BookmarkManager later.
After consulting with infinity0, we decided to build-up the back-bone
step-by-step by imitating Toadlet(s) and give bugs, which are directly
connected to Freenet API a lower priority for now.

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