On Thursday 21 Jun 2012 14:49:38 Matthew Toseland wrote:
> On Monday 14 Nov 2011 09:57:58 Fernando Paladini wrote:
> > 
> > Hello, my name's Fernando Paladini. I'm owner of www.techsempre.com and 
> > software developer and translator.
> > I translated FreeNet Windows Installer to Brazilian Portuguese Language. 
> > The file's attached. I only want credits by translation.
> > In my website exist one area called "Tech Interview", and I want know if I 
> > can talk with lan Clark (creator of FreeNet project) to interview you.
> > Thanks,Fernando Paladini.                                     
> Added this to the wininstaller. I HAVE NOT TESTED IT YET, and ideally we'd 
> like somebody to test the installer, after the new build is out (sometime 
> soon).

I mean ideally we'd like a Brazilian to test it. :)
> I don't understand "I only want credits by translation". I have credited you 
> in the commit log, and you've put credits in the translation file. Let me 
> know if that's not enough, currently IIRC the installer credits itself to 
> Zero3, but it does have other contributors. By contributing to Freenet you 
> license the change above to us under the terms of the GPL (2 or later).
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