On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 8:58 PM, Kieran Donegan <kdonegan.92 at gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm a second year BSc Computer Science student in University College Cork,
> Ireland. Freenet's development goals really resonate with me and I'd love
> to help enhance Freenet for GSoC this year. My Java skills are excellent
> and I have a good knowledge of application layer and transport layer
> networking protocols. My security knowledge however is basic to
> non-existent. Being that security is one of the main concerns when
> operating a service like Freenet would I be hopeless in contributing to the
> project? I have a keen interest to learn however and would appreciate some
> pointers on how to get started before GSoC kicks off.

In addition to other people's replies, you may also be interested to learn
more about security.  The book "Applied Cryptography" looks a bit
intimidating from the outside, but it's actually a really good read - and
very accessible (if kinda expensive).


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at freenetproject.org
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