On Monday 19 Mar 2012 01:52:19 Ximin Luo wrote:
> On 16/03/12 18:13, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > On Thursday 15 Mar 2012 21:02:26 Ximin Luo wrote:
> >> (Top-posting because previous post is too long to reply to in-line.)
> >>
> >> ## refactoring
> >>
> >> Refactoring the code helps to make it more understandable for other 
> >> coders. One
> >> of the reasons why I don't work more on freenet myself is because it's
> >> extremely difficult to make any changes that are more than a simple bug 
> >> fix.
> > 
> > Hmmm, good point. But from FPI point of view, unless it's a very quick and 
> > high impact refactoring,  it's probably too long term.
> >>
> >> When I was writing code for the config subsystem to separate out different
> >> files into different directories, this was very frustrating and took up 
> >> much
> >> more time than I expected.
> > 
> > I'm still curious as to why.
> The code is spread out over many files not related to config management; 

It is? How so?

The code for handling the config files simply takes a value and applies it to 
that subsystem. Short of converting it to get*/set*'ers, using reflection, I 
don't see how we could make it much simpler.

> this
> creates lots of implicit dependencies, which is not directly apparent in the
> syntax/structure of the code nor the semantics of the languag. In other words,
> spaghetti code.

I still don't follow - implicit dependancies?
> Config management code should not be mixed into the thing they are 
> configuring,
> this is just Good Programming. 

I don't get it. Evidently I didn't take that course.

> Changing variables on-the-fly is a completely
> separate issue from config management and actually writing out those values,
> and it was a mistake to bundle the two together in the code.

The code that is "spread out over many files" has nothing to do with writing 
the values out. All it does is changes the values. Sometimes it is necessary to 
store a copy of the configured value so that it can be returned exactly, most 
of the time it just gets and sets a variable.
> Using the guice framework would help this a lot as well.

I am not convinced.
> >>
> >> NB: I'm not implying you should be doing all the work toad, please don't 
> >> think
> >> this. And please don't think that my opinions are automatically invalid / 
> >> less
> >> worthy just because I haven't committed code for ages. I just want to 
> >> express
> >> my view of What I Would Do If I Were God.
> > 
> > Okay. :) I don't mean to criticise un-constructively, just have a useful 
> > conversation.
> >>
> >> People can do what they want but it doesn't mean it's a good idea. 
> >> Granted, I
> >> consider "code quality" independently of any issues such as funding, but
> >> focusing too much on the latter leads to bad software. If there's pressure 
> >> like
> >> this, ignore it, find something else in the meantime until it goes away.
> > 
> > I plan to continue working for FPI for the time being. Partly because it's 
> > part time and fits conveniently with studying. Partly because getting a 
> > programming job in the UK requires a degree even if you have some rather 
> > odd experience.
> >>
> >> ## freenet Events API
> >>
> >> freenet does not provide a great API for running callbacks and scheduled 
> >> tasks.
> > 
> > I'm not sure what you mean here. For example, the client layer has unique 
> > requirements. We simply can't just change it to use java.util.concurrent. 
> > Database jobs must run on the database thread, and no other thread may have 
> > access to the database, because the client layer is not designed to deal 
> > with simultaneous transactions. This avoids performance problems (separate 
> > caches for each client; simultaneous disk I/O), and complexity (refreshing 
> > everything constantly, which requires a more query-oriented architecture; 
> > we'd have to change pretty much everything, and it'd probably be slower). 
> > But it's messy, in particular it requires passing around ObjectContainer's.
> Why can't these restrictions be handled by a 3rd-party events framework?

They can't. Period.

The long answer is you can't pass an ObjectContainer to any other thread, and 
any DBJob needs both the ObjectContainer and the ClientContext (which isn't 
stored in any persistent class and is effectively the means to get all the 
objects created for this run of the node that aren't persisted otherwise, plus 
some global stuff like the FEC queue).

The simplest way to enforce this rule is simply the ugly convention of always 
passing the ObjectContainer in, and NOT either making it a singleton global or 
storing it anywhere.

The expensive way to deal with this would involve even more unwritten rules: 
You could write a wrapper for ObjectContainer that throws if you try to access 
it from another thread, for example.

The really expensive way to deal with this is to have parallel transactions. 
However, this way lies madness, because:
1. Typical end-user PCs' disks may be slower rather than faster with more 
parallel transactions.
2. More importantly, there is *one cache per transaction*.
3. Code-wise, we would have to refresh everything every time we use it. 
Although we already have a lot of activation and deactivation, so maybe that's 
less of an issue. We would need to reconsider the "roots", and probably make 
everything start with a query. Db4o queries generally are rather slow so this 
would probably be either slow or messy (e.g. creating key objects using strings 
etc, like p0s does in Freetalk and WoT).
4. We would also have to deal with rollbacks. Arguably these are a good thing - 
p0s uses them - but that would mean that some easy optimisations because 
extremely difficult. Once these issues are solved for Freetalk/WoT (e.g. by 
means of a block level cache capable of caching more than one transaction and 
then writing them to an alternate file, and alternating between the two), it 
might be worth considering, but I doubt it would be worth it.
> >> Converting everything to use java.util.concurrent and/or
> >> com.google.common.util.concurrent would help this a lot. Of course, 
> >> Library can
> >> and currently does implement this itself, but it's fairly sloppy, and other
> >> plugins would benefit if such a framework were provided.
> > 
> > If you simply mean replacing Ticker and Executor, that's fine by me.
> >>
> >> Some common tasks that plugins would like to do, which really should be
> >> provided by the underlying application:
> >> - run tasks in the background
> >> - run tasks according to a particular schedule
> >> - cancel running tasks
> > 
> > How do you propose to cancel a task once it's started? I guess it depends 
> > what sort of task it is. If it has a boolean and periodically checks it 
> > then fine; this would require a subclass ...
> Depends on what the task is. The writer of the "task" will need to add code to
> support cancellation, just like Future.cancel().

> >> - handle dependencies between tasks, so that e.g. if A depends on B and I
> >> cancel B, A is automatically cancelled.
> > 
> > That's a nice bit of functionality yeah. Nothing in fred needs it at 
> > present, although radical refactorings might make it more useful.
> Having this functionality would make Library's code a lot simpler. (The
> dependency management that is, not necessarily the cancellation.) We talked
> about it a while back but I never really sat down to solve the issue.

I have no problem with importing a small third party library or even having 
such classes in freenet/support/.
> >> - group tasks into related categories so one group doesn't affect the 
> >> other.
> >> (e.g. tasks for the group "Library/b-tree-write/index-<URL>" won't starve 
> >> the
> >> resources of group "WoT/background-trust-calculation")
> > 
> > If you are scheduling tasks in a limited pool this makes sense. Freenet 
> > generally doesn't do this because most tasks are either CPU intensive and 
> > complete quickly, or are blocking / I/O intensive and take ages but don't 
> > use much resources. Also many tasks are latency sensitive. And on modern 
> > JVMs, lots of threads are cheap, although memory is an issue, we do need to 
> > keep it down if possible ...
> There is a thread limit. You don't want plugin A to hog 90% threads and leave
> the other 10% to everything else.

It's different for plugins IMHO. Although there is only so much you can do to 
guard against errant plugins.
> >>
> >> ## config management
> >>
> >> Code for read/writing the config in embedded inside the classes they 
> >> control,
> >> which clutters up the code and makes it confusing. Config code should be
> >> separated from the actual application. It would also be nice if this was
> >> exposed to plugins.
> > 
> > Separated how exactly? You want to call getters via reflection, like java 
> > beans? It is always going to be the case that changing some settings on the 
> > fly will be somewhat involved and require methods for it; the classes are 
> > only one way to write such an interface, I'm open to other mechanisms given 
> > that config happens very infrequently.
> >>
> >> Being a daemon is why the current config system is NOT SUFFICIENT. I need 
> >> to be
> >> able to lock certain config settings, such as where to keep the datastore /
> >> run-time files themselves, to conform to the FHS. It's best that such 
> >> settings
> >> are kept in a separate read-only file. The current system only reads one 
> >> file,
> >> freenet.ini.
> > 
> > Sounds to me like that could be achieved with some fairly small changes; I 
> > still don't see what the problem is.
> Adding an "#include" mechanism for config files whilst supporting "write" at
> the same time is not a "small change". Think about it.

There are several cheap and dirty options, for example, we could provide a list 
of config files on the command line, with changes being written to the first 
(or the last, possibly configurable with another command line option).

But yes, maybe we need something more elegant.

But *we need to be able to write to a config file*. Ease of use on the majority 
platform (Windows) makes this an absolute requirement. We cannot get rid of it, 
> (This is why .gitconfig doesn't have #include whereas .hgrc does.)
> >> Updating its own binaries is not a problem if freenet knows where the 
> >> binaries
> >> are. The current installer puts them in a rigid place, however this is
> >> incompatible with FHS.
> > 
> > A rigid place? I don't follow. If you are doing FHS you are using a 
> > package; the installer is never going to comply with FHS as, apart from 
> > anything else, it shouldn't be run as root!
> The updater (UpdateDeployContext) makes some very specific assumptions as to
> the locations of the jars, and this method doesn't generalise to non-jar 
> files.
> It also assumes wrapper.conf is in the current directory.

I believe we can ask the wrapper where the file is - and probably the jars too.

However I thought you were expecting to just turn off auto-update in packaged 
> > Updating its own binaries is incompatible with the standard unix way of 
> > doing things, isn't it? Even if it's not technically a violation of FHS?
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