
Sorry for the previous very lengthy update. I'll keep this one short.

After several discussions the basic idea of how I'll implement
transports is now clear.
I have begun writing some basic plugin architecture. The same has been
committed to the branch "refactor-1". I intend to finish, by the end
of this week, refactoring portions of code from NodeCrypto. The main
objective is to remove the "dependence on a single socket object"

Currently I have submitted code on the following new classes-


1. TransportManager - This will now contain a list of available
transports (packet transports and stream transports). Transports
register here to let the node know of its availability.
2. TransportPlugin - A base class for the transports
3. StreamTransportPlugin - Base class for stream based transports. It
mainly supports a "connect" method and a "listen" method.
4. PacketTransportPlugin - This is based on PacketSocketHandler itself.

One issue I had was regarding opennet and darknet modes. So I have
extended the plugins so that these methods know the mode of operation
through a boolean. I am not sure if this is okay, though it is a bit
crude. The plugin will provide separate sockets for opennet and
darknet modes. The node side classes only need to mention this through
the "isOpennet" variable.

For the coming week the objective is to remove any "dependence on a
single socket object". So I am working on it in the following way-

Create TransportManager class for a node. Will list all transports
irrespective of darknet and opennet mode. So this means there will be
no issue when opennet is enabled later on.
This will be followed by changing-
NodeCrypto to handle new transports
PeerNode to use new transports

I am sorry I have not been able to update the flog. I will do some
short updates there too.


toad - Need specific advice on this part.
Scenario 1 - transport plugin added after initialization of nodecrypto
(say darknet).
Scenario 2 - Opennet enabled after transport plugin is loaded.

So transportmanager can be the class in between.

1. To handle new transports plugins coming in-
Transport registers, TransportManager calls on NodeCrypto (maybe
handleNewTransport(...) ) to handle the new transport for opennet and
darknet modes

2. To handle new mode (opennet) after transport plugins are loaded
The new nodecrypto checks for available transports and uses them at

So I suppose it is okay to retain UDPSocketHandler as a default when
transports are not yet loaded? I hope this is okay with you?

Also as I mentioned here and on IRC, about using a boolean to
distinguish between opennet and darknet, which the plugin takes care
of. Is that also fine with you?
Do let me know :)

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