Are these rate-limited in any way?  Do they obey some general
rate-limiting policies together with other messages?  IMHO maximum HTL
should be single-digits or you risk flooding.  Does fred have any
metrics collection system that would allow us to detect such flooding

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Steve Dougherty <steve at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've finished a proof of concept for Metropolis-Hastings corrected
> probes in Fred. If you are so inclined, please offer feedback on the
> patches. [1] Metropolis-Hastings correction was described previously,
> [2] and the probes are exposed over FCP. [3] An originating node starts
> a probe request by specifying the type of result they're looking for,
> and optionally a value for hopsToLive, which currently defaults to its
> maximum of 50 if not specified. We will in practice initially use
> something closer to 30. One can disable responding to any number of
> result types on the Core settings page.
> Possible types are:
> BANDWIDTH - outgoing bandwidth limit.
> BUILD - Freenet build number. (For instance, currently 1407.) Useful
> ? ? ? ?for measuring update propagation.
> IDENTIFIER - endpoint identifier. Useful for improving estimates of
> ? ? ? ? ? ? network size and churn.
> LINK_LENGTHS - differences in location between endpoint and each of
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? endpoint's peers.
> STORE_SIZE - size of datastore.
> UPTIME - session uptime and the percentage of the past 48 hours during
> ? ? ? ? which the endpoint was up.
> +/- up to 1% noise is added to bandwidth, link lengths, store size, and
> uptime information in an attempt to make the information less
> identifiable but still useful for analysis.
> Bandwidth, link lengths, store size, and uptime are intended to improve
> knowledge of the network so that any problems will hopefully become
> apparent, or at the very least allow more detailed simulations which
> more accurately reflect actual network conditions. This is with the
> goal of implementing changes to improve network performance and
> reliability.
> Possible outcomes of the probes as implemented are:
> ? ?-non-propagated timeout
> ? ?-non-propagated disconnection
> ? ?-endpoint refusal for the result type
> ? ?-result from endpoint
> Based on feedback in #freenet I've built a TODO list:
> 1. Access MHProbe from the callbacks, which are inner classes, via
> MHProbe.this. This will mean no need to pass it in to use MHProbe as a
> ByteCounter. Also because the callbacks are inner classes there is no
> need for the horrible hack that is making pendingProbes public static.
> 2. If FOAF data for a peer is not available, ignore that peer.
> 3. Implement error messages so that resources can be freed quickly in
> the event on an error:
> ? ?- next in chain disconnected
> ? ?- timeout
> ? ?- type unrecognized
> ? ?- FOAF disabled
> 4. If FOAF is completely disabled on a node, rather than ignore every
> peer, leading to HTL decrementing until a local response, respond with
> a "FOAF disabled" error message as above.
> 5. Add a node configuration option for a random (not based on noderef
> like current probe and swap request identifier) identifier which is set
> to a random value when at its default of -1.
> 6. Use a Gaussian distribution for randomNoise() because many tests
> assume Gaussian noise, so why not?
> 7. Quantize things: instead of just adding noise, report bandwidth in
> as 64-bit integer KiB and store size as 64-bit integer GiB.
> 8. Instead of separate identifier and uptime requests, allow requesting:
> ? ?- [ identifier, quantized noisy 7-day uptime percentage ]
> ? ?- [ noisy 7-day uptime percentage ]
> ? ?- [ noisy 48-hour uptime percentage ]
> 9. Set timeout as constant1 * HTL + constant2 to account for
> probabilistic decrement at HTL = 1.
> Next week I plan to address the TODO list and any more issues that come
> up in the patch set, then submit it for merging into Fred once it has
> been approved. After that, I will work on FCP library support for the
> new probes, and update pyProbe to support gathering and analyzing the
> new information. In the event that I finish these things I can work on
> making the network simulator more flexible. Our target deployment date
> is Friday the 25th May or the day after.
> Thanks,
> operhiem1
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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> =rwqn
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