Improvements from previous update:

1) Improved and a stable UI for mobile application
2) A dedicated TCP server on a different port on home node instead of using
fproxy for handling connection to mobiles (on the lines of
3) This server issues a self-signed SSL certificate
4) A signed MDNS service using ECDSA (modification on MDNS discovery
plugin) broadcasts this server
MDNS packet contains EC signature(homenode name,port,SPKI-hash of server
certificate) and EC public key to verify this signature
5) Mobile app identifies this service on home LAN, tries to establish SSL
connection with the server and pulls the node reference
6) Mobile App can connect to another such app via WiFi Direct (WPA using
Push Button Authentication)

More Details + Some Problems Faced:

For #1 UI
Simple UI on a dark background to allow only basic functionality, all
handled by touch buttons only (no savvy stuff)
Divided the screen into two fragments, Upper fragment displays messages and
lower fragment is used to interact with user

For #2 TCP Server
Tried to extend to make another server on
different port but it was heavily linked to FProxy and any extension
required rewriting most of the code. So, I started from scratch and
generously copy-pasted required code from SimpleToadletServer.

For#3 SSL Authentication
I couldn't get the in freenet.crypt folder to work. I was getting
all kinds of errors and exceptions.. for
To save time, I discarded and used a latest SSL implementation
from bouncy castle. A new class BCSSLNetworkInterface extends,NetworkInterface
and essentially does the same work as SSLNetworkInterface. So #2 server
utilizes this BCSSLNetworkInterface to create ServerSockets

This is only a one way server authentication. Client (mobile app isn't
Client could be authenticated in a way when the user manually verifies the
received node references on the homenode (by a button click)
 after they synchronize

For #4 MDNS Broadcast:
ECDSA implementation is from Bouncy Castle
The SPKI (public key) is extracted from the self signed certificate from #3
BC-SSL-TCP server and its SHA1 hash is added to the broadcast

For #5 MDNS Reception on mobile app
Once mobile app verifies the signature, it extracts SPKI hash from MDNS
packet. In the process of SSL Handshake with the server, it verifies the
obtained certificate by comparing the two SHA1 hashes. Once a secure
connection is established, it pulls the home node reference.  A modified
version of Moxie's Android Pinning library is used to authenticate using
SPKI   ..

For #6 WiFi Direct Connection between two apps
Used the example provided in android SDK as the base to establish Wi-Fi
Direct Connection

Work to be done:

1) Extend support to USB tethered and bluetooth connections with home node
on the mobile.
Requires no change on home node code as the server is on
However, on the mobile, listening multicast on is disallowed to
save battery and so we are listening only multicast *wifi* packets
presently. So, I need to add callbacks to discover newly tethered networks
and start listening on them
2) Add option on the home TCP server to accept new node references from
 the mobile and display them for user verification

Add other methods for reference exchange between apps apart from WiFI Direct
1) QR based exchange
2) Bluetooth based
3) Wifi Hotspot on one mobile with normal wifi on other mobile
More discussion is necessary in this respect

Also, I've realized that next step in this project would be to support

I plan to complete the minor works this week so that a basic level
functionality is achieved i.e. Two people with *high end* mobiles having
this daeknet app should be able to exchange nodereferences and sync them up
back home

The corresponding code:
Modified Fred:
Modified MDNS DIscovery:
The app:

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