On 2013/07/27 (Jul), at 2:03 PM, Matthew Toseland wrote:

> You've just reinvented NGRouting. :-)

I've heard that before. I had no idea that there were so many fun ways to 
implement NGRouting!!! ;-)

Seriously, though... at worst this is can be examined as two of "the 
same"/"current algorithm" networks with half the nodes, and I happen to know 
that: currentAlgorithim/2 != NGRouting

Hmm... I guess that's not accurate, actually..... because a slow peer (e.g. on 
a modem) might see a peer as fast that another peer (say, on an OCH3 line) sees 
as slow... so there is certainly a non-trivial routing effect, and not a sharp 
"two sets of nodes" distinction.

> what determines performance is really... other things like... whether they 
> find the data at all

So that answers my first question... I see that my overall remote CHK success 
rate is at 15.6%; I presume this should (theoretically) approach 100%, so do 
you think that is closer to the root cause of the performance issue?

Robert Hailey

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