This is an update of the current state of plugin Curator including future plans.

Sharing content using Curator:

Content curation is the process of collecting and?classifying?the most 
interesting things about a subject to share it for the common benefit at a 
single location. WoT Identities are used to sign the curated?material; thus 
each identity owns and?maintains?a unique index.?

The plugin depends on WebOfTrust and Library. ?In a nutshell, WebOfTrust 
provides the available own identities. It also announces which Identities 
publish an index and the location of such index. Library creates the index, 
handles an index on-disk version, uploads the index to Freenet and merges index 
when is necessary.

Currently,?a?big limitation in Library is that it can manage?only one index for 
Spider. My current task is to adapt Library to manage multiple indexes. For 
that task the main important classes are 
plugins/Library/ and 
plugins/Library/ At the moment, I am working on a copy: and Both are being modified to 
handle multiple ProtoIndex, merge new data and do the uploads according to 
different indexes. Indexes are identified by the routing key part of the WOT 
identity RequestURI.

At the moment Library still handles only one index since the modifications are 
not yet finished. I decided to publish the plugin at current state while I 
continue to the adaptation of Library. The code can be found in a Github 

All entries in the index need to be SSK keys. The reason for this is that I am 
using the TermEntryWriter that stores data in binary using the method 
FreenetURI.writeFullBinaryKeyWithLength(DataOutputStream dos). The FreeenURI 
method doesn't handle USK keys, I don't know why.

To use the plugin, Library needs to be updated since I did some modifications 
on that plugin too. If you need to run Curator, please tell me where I can 
commit my Library changes.

Finally, I want to mention next work:?
- finish adaptation on Library to handle multiple indexes
- add bookmarklet button so the user can ?Indexes will further share with other 
identities who may
- have a list of terms showed by the input form, so the user can select the 
topic (category) easily.
- Ideas for future work on the plugin (cannot estimate the amount of work 
? ? ?- search terms under indexes (search from trusted identities, use 
? ? ?- reuse indexes curated by other identities to generate new indexes.


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