On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 05:22:28 AM Steve Dougherty wrote:
> To run Freenet it'd need robust storage and a fair amount of RAM; when I ran
> a Freenet node on a Raspberry Pi 2 (1 GiB RAM; MicroSD card rootfs and USB
> ports) with Freenet installed to a USB hard drive, the USB drive kept
> disconnecting (maybe due to flakiness under load?), causing filesystem
> corruption and kernel panics. When I moved the Freenet installation to the
> MicroSD card, not long after the filesystem started to, if memory serves,
> refuse to accept writes. So whatever this does use it'll need good storage
> one way or another. I had some flavor of https://nextthing.co/pages/chip in
> mind, but haven't tested running Freenet on such a system yet.

mrsteveman1 says that there are MicroSD cards labeled as for "industrial" 
purposes which should be able to handle the load.

I would thus suggest to use those and go for a Raspberry Pi 3 as it is the 
most popular embedded computer. The more we go for standard solutions the 
easier everything will hopefully be.

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