On Sat, 2017-12-09 at 19:24 +0100, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> Florent Daigniere <nextg...@freenetproject.org> writes:
> > Months later he is asking for help supporting the windows version of
> > the
> > legacy script that has now been broken for years (we're past the one
> > year mark now)...
> Let one point not be forgotten:
> You broke that script this spring when you disabled
> downloads.freenetproject.org without first checking which parts of our
> tools depended on it. This was a throwback of more than half a year on
> the way to finally getting next released.
> And you did that when I had just finished my setup to get reliable
> releases again. Despite me voicing concerns.
> Best wishes,
> Arne

You are re-inventing history here:

1) It wasn't my decision to switch to the new infrastructure: Keeping
osprey was both expensive (in £ but also sysadmin time) and useless
(since nothing was running nor working from it anymore).

2) In August 2016 (and probably before on IRC) I did warn that action
had to be taken:
... Removing the DNS records and switching it off hasn't changed
anything to the fact that it was already broken. Wget and cURL both
check for HSTS headers by default, which means that "keeping it on"
wouldn't have helped with making existing deployments of the script

3) You are the one who has changed the plan:

Blame me all you want, but I have delivered upon what I said I would do:
we have https://mvn.freenetproject.org and the tooling to deploy
there... It's your refusal to use it (or to adapt the legacy one) that
has lead to the multi-year breakage with no end in sight.


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