
To help with testing 1482, please set this as your auto-update key: 


The insert to the testing key is already running

This is also available on github as pre-release: 

Release notes:

Freenet 0.7.5 build 1482 is now available. [overview]

This release addresses increased CPU load in 1481 by reducing
the peer-count by 30%. The lower number of peers should reduce
the necessary work for routing. Since all nodes reduce their peercount,
the bandwidth per peer rises, so the speeds should stay the same.

Also 1482 applies the winterfacey theme adaptions by poet.
You can test the winterfacey theme by activating it in
Configuration -> Web interface.

Thank you for using Freenet!

- Arne Babenhauserheide

Developer changelog:


Changes in 1482:

This is an emergency fix to address doubled to tripled CPU load in 1481.

- reduce opennet peernumber scaling_constant from 4 to 1.61803.
  Reduced peer-count should reduce the CPU load from routing.
  Since all reduce their peercount, the bandwidth per peer rises,
  and bandwidth should stay the same.
- reduce log level of removing wrong node or removing twice to minor
- apply the winterfacey adaptions by poets

- Arne Babenhauserheide

[include shortlogs of any installer or plugin changes]

Arne Babenhauserheide (3):
      reduce peer count scaling from 4 to 2.5
      cut the peer count scaling to 1.61803: 10K has 4 peers
      update scaling constant in comment, too

Arne Babenhauserheide (freenet releases) (3):
      reduce log level of removing wrong node or removing twice to minor
      Update default bookmark editions
      Build 1482

poets@FMS (1):
      winterfacey adaptions by poets
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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