On 4/26/19 1:33 PM, Steve Dougherty wrote:
> Yes, mocking time will be helpful. It’s not  clear to me how many
> places that will be of use, or whether mocking would still be viable
> in integration tests instead of just unit tests, but it’s definitely a
> good tool to have. Do you know if JUnit has anything that can help
> with that? It seems like a common enough need that it might.

I just checked if there is anything included in JUnit but it doesn't
seem so. According to answers on stackoverflow, Java 8 provides an
abstract class Clock that can be used instead of creating a custom
interface [1]. To get an instance of the Clock class, one could either
add a corresponding constructor parameter to the class that uses it or
add a method getClock() to the Node class/interface.

Alternatively, there is a framework called PowerMock [2] that can be
used to instrument calls to System.currentTimeMillis() directly[3].
PowerMock still seems to be actively maintained (last commit was 5 days
ago) but I don't know for how long. So, using the Clock class seems to
be the more reliable solution to me.


[2] https://github.com/powermock/powermock


> Testing concurrent things may require more Conditions for threads to
> wait on. It’s not clear to me how much effort that will require to be
> viable, or how best to expose them.
I also don't yet have a good feeling about the effort. I will pick a
class like LocationManager and try to write some test cases for it.  

Martin Byrenheid
Scientific Assistant

Technische Universität Dresden
Faculty of Computer Science
Institute of System Architecture
Chair of Privacy and Data Security
01062 Dresden

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