shroobi <> writes:

>> Hi shroobi,
>> shroobi <> writes:
>>> I wanted to leave a note about these statements on the Freenet
>>> homepage. I don't understand why a response to disprove the paper
>>> would be released but there hasn't been any code put in place to
>>> address the problem.
>> There was no code put in place, because the statistics in the attacks
>> were false. We can’t fix it if there is no vulnerability in the
>> first place.
>> To be frank: The paper was wrong.
>>> Furthermore, later a detailed description was made of *how exactly* an
>>> attack could be done with certainty. Not cool. An enormous risk has
>>> been put on users because of this. Why was that done?
>> That later description was also false:
>> We cannot fix it in code when people simply fake proof.
> Final note: The minimal information required for statistical claims
> about observations of node upload or download activity in Freenet:

> … snip …

Did you see any claim that actually contained this information? If not,
then they are trying to fake proof by making unverifiable claims. I have
yet to see anyone giving a solid statistical argument while providing
the actually needed information to check their claims.

This is not to say that it is impossible to trace you on opennet. It’s
just that no one ever did it right.

To actually prevent all but the most powerful (those who can make ISPs
their tools and hack individual computers) from tracking you, you must
be connected via friend-to-friend mode (high security) with people you
trust not to try to pro-actively track you. To track you then requires
hacking your friends' computers.

To get even higher security, you‘ll also need to connect Freenet to the
internet via a regional mesh-network that does not spy on the data you
transmit to find people who upload lots of encrypted packages.

But the first step to improve protections for your privacy is really to
move to friend-to-friend mode.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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