
I'm new to KiCAD, and after starting a project I've noticed, that:

1. once I do create a PCB from new schematic, the parts are lumped together pretty randomly. I tried to figure out where in the sources, that happens, but wasn't able to locate relevant module ... this is why I'm writing here. I'd like to modify the "initial creation" of PCB so, that footprints are lied down "just like they are on schematic diagram". Meaning, X-Y position of a part reflects its X-Y symbol position. This is because 90% of the time, that would be my desired component layout.

2. I've worked with hierachy sheets, and in particular, I've replicated one sub-sheet to have an array of functionality (like memory array). Since I'm doing most of the trace layout by hand (autorouter still doesn't work for me) I have to repeat the routing task for every subsheet with that same sub-functionality. A feature that brings layout and routing of one sheet to components of its' copy would be great.

3. then again, some of my projects are multi-pcb. It would help greatly, if one could mark certain diagram-sheets (in the hierarchy), that this particular level will be on separate PCB.... so that pcb editor don't clutter the view with components, that are not destined for that particular pcb (sub pcb).

Anyway. Should there be a chance somebody give me an idea where to look into sources to work on feature (1), I'd be greatfull.


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