Good day, community

Yet one question:  I want to retrieve xwiki page without header and footes via
javascript, to save in dom-node.

Now I search a principal way how to do this. I see two possible ways:

A  -- write special 'zero'  skin
// unfortunelly, I see that documentation on skins is outdated: in
installation of svn version I see that velocity templates are situated outside

B -- try to use xwiki XML/RPC interface. (or may be add JSON-ORB as servlet)

So, questions:
- what approach (from this two) is prefferrable ?
- where is documentation on xwiki XML/RPC interface ? Or some example of
usage ?  Are anybody tried to use XML/RPC interface from javascript. ?
- may be still possible to reload (returning to first approach) view.vm
template in skin.  If yes - how ?

P.S. (More detailed explanation what I want on code level:
i. e. I want to write in xwiki page something like:

function update()
new Ajax.Reaqest('/xwiki.home/bin/view/My.Page', 'post'
 parameters {
    A:  $('form.A').value,
    B:  $('form.B').value,
    skin: 'zero'
 onSuccess: function(transport) {
<input name='A' id='form.A' >
<input name='B' id='form.B' >
<button name='DO' onClick="update();" >
<div id="result"> &nbsp; </div>

Ruslan Shevchenko

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