> On 2 Jul 2018, at 10:58, Adel Atallah <adel.atal...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> Also I hope it will not make CI builds a lot longer.

It should make it slower to start the container but only marginally. What can 
be slower is that it starts a VNC server which we were not starting before.

Globally that should add a couple of seconds.


> Adel Atallah
> Product developer intern
> adel.atal...@xwiki.com
> tel: +33 (0)6 12 96 35 06
> On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 10:52 AM, Adel Atallah <adel.atal...@xwiki.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It will be very useful to be able to run functional tests on all
>> supported browsers. However I wonder if it will also be as useful for
>> different servlet containers and databases (at least when the database
>> schema doesn't change).
>> I tried to run the tests on my machine but I got an error:
>> https://pastebin.com/raw/cYjec5Bm (I haven't analyzed it yet but you
>> might have an idea why I'm getting this).
>> Also it's a bit disturbing to wait for the docker images to be
>> downloaded without knowing it (we should at least have a message
>> saying "Downloading images..." or even better, the docker output).
>> Thanks,
>> Adel
>> On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 10:40 AM, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>> Important note:
>>> * We’ll only be able to test Firefox and Chrome browsers since there’s no 
>>> Docker containers for windows/mac having IE11/Edge and Safari (they’re not 
>>> supported ATM even on windows machines).
>>> * We could work around this by having some agents running on Windows and 
>>> using the installed IE11/Edge browser (i.e. not running in a Docker 
>>> container). However it’s too complex FTM and I’d instead move this to later 
>>> and instead focus on running XWiki on various DBs.
>>> * So this means that we’ll still need manual tests for IE11/Edge/Safari for 
>>> the moment...
>>> Thanks
>>> -Vincent
>>>> On 30 Jun 2018, at 14:59, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>>> Status as of today:
>>>> * I have a working POC for running XWiki functional tests in various 
>>>> browsers (chrome and firefox FTM), using the latest Selenium and latest 
>>>> Chrome/Firefox. I’ll commit today or in the coming days. Ofc it requires 
>>>> docker to be installed so I’ll create a “docker” profile in the build so 
>>>> that the build doesn’t break on agents which don’t have docker installed 
>>>> yet. It’ll allow you to start testing it on your local machines.
>>>> * I have updated the design page at 
>>>> http://design.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Proposal/ConfigurationTesting
>>>> Next steps:
>>>> * Commit the work one (in the coming days)
>>>> * I have started trying to deploy XWiki in an embedded undertow. Still not 
>>>> working at this stage (but I’ve progressed). I still don’t know if this is 
>>>> going to work or not. I hope it will since that would save me from having 
>>>> to write the equivalent of the Packager plugin.
>>>> * Integrate ability to choose the DB to use for the tests.
>>>> Feedback most welcome.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>>> On 27 May 2018, at 21:44, Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:
>>>>> Hi devs,
>>>>> I’d like to give you some info about what I’ve started working on and 
>>>>> verify you like the direction I’m proposing to take for the future of 
>>>>> functional testing on the xwiki project.
>>>>> Needs
>>>>> =====
>>>>> * Be able to test xwiki on multiple environments
>>>>> Context
>>>>> ======
>>>>> * Right now we test only in 1 env (Jetty+HSQLDB)
>>>>> * I've started some docker images in xwiki-contrib
>>>>> * I’ve also started some experiment through 
>>>>> https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14929 and 
>>>>> https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-14930 (see also email thread 
>>>>> "[Brainstorming] Implementing multi-environment tests - Take 2” and 
>>>>> https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/compare/XWIKI-14929-14930). This 
>>>>> email supersedes the "[Brainstorming] Implementing multi-environment 
>>>>> tests - Take 2” thread.
>>>>> * Initially I imagined doing the multi env testing in Jenkins thanks to 
>>>>> the Jenkins Docker plugin/library. However I realized that it would be 
>>>>> better to be able to run that on the dev machines and thus decided 
>>>>> instead to implement it at the maven level thanks to the Fabric8 Maven 
>>>>> plugin.
>>>>> Proposal
>>>>> =======
>>>>> * The new proposal is to stop trying to do it at the maven level and 
>>>>> instead do it at the Java level, i.e. be able to control (start/stop the 
>>>>> various docker images for the DB, Servlet Container/XWiki and the Browser 
>>>>> from within the java junit/selenium tests).
>>>>> * There are several java libraries existing to control docker from within 
>>>>> java. For example: https://github.com/docker-java/docker-java
>>>>> * I got convinced when finding this awesome library that combines 
>>>>> JUnit5/Selenium and Docker for multi-browser testing: 
>>>>> https://bonigarcia.github.io/selenium-jupiter/
>>>>> ** Note that this relies on the browser docker images provided by the 
>>>>> Selenoid project: https://aerokube.com/selenoid/latest/
>>>>> * So the idea is to extend that to be able to control the other 2 docker 
>>>>> containers for the DB + ServletContainer/XWiki.
>>>>> Pros
>>>>> ====
>>>>> * Very simple setup to start/stop functional tests (and to debug them). 
>>>>> Only requires Docker to be installed locally.
>>>>> * Very simple to test any combination of DB/Servlet Container/Browser.
>>>>> * Always up to date images with the latest version (we can depend on 
>>>>> LATEST of Browser images, MySQL, Tomcat, etc).
>>>>> * Using JUnit5 and thus the latest features
>>>>> * Moving to the latest Selenium version too
>>>>> * Also supports manually executing tests in a given running xwiki instance
>>>>> Implementation
>>>>> ============
>>>>> Something like:
>>>>> --> XWikiSeleniumExtension extends SeleniumExtension
>>>>> @ExtendWith(XWikiSeleniumExtension.class)
>>>>> public class Test
>>>>> @Test
>>>>> public void xxx(XWikiWebDriver driver)
>>>>> {
>>>>> …
>>>>> }
>>>>> And be able to configure the DB to use, the Servlet container to use, and 
>>>>> the packaging to use from system properties (and also from the test 
>>>>> itself, see 
>>>>> https://bonigarcia.github.io/selenium-jupiter/#generic-driver).
>>>>> The idea is to reimplement the XWiki Packaging Maven plugin as a java lib 
>>>>> using Aether and to just start our functional tests using pure junit 
>>>>> without anymore more. All the hard work will be performed by the JUnit5 
>>>>> extension (create the packaging if not already exist, update some part of 
>>>>> it if files have been modifier, start/stop DB+Servlet+Browser+Selenium, 
>>>>> download the docker images).
>>>>> The packaging will be configurable. Some ideas of options:
>>>>> * use an already running xwiki instance
>>>>> * docker created from full XS zip from URL
>>>>> * docker created from XS zip from maven artifact
>>>>> * docker created from computed based on pom in current dir
>>>>> Migration
>>>>> =======
>>>>> Once a first version is working, it’ll be easy to use it only for a 
>>>>> single platform functional tests and then slowly move each module to use 
>>>>> the new way for its functional tests.
>>>>> WDYT?
>>>>> I’m planning to continue my investigation/development of this. So please 
>>>>> let me know if you have feedback.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> -Vincent

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