Hi devs,

We’ll soon start XWiki 10.7 (see https://markmail.org/message/qjemnip7hjva2rjd).


There are 2 goals for this release:

1)  Close as many bugs as possible (note that I didn’t say “fix” ;), the goal 
is really to reduce the number of open bugs and thus to close won’t fix, 
duplicates, etc and also to fix low hanging fruits, i.e. easy bugs). The goal 
is quantity. To try to reduce our "bug lag"

Our current status today:
* -47 bugs over 120 days (4 months), i.e. we need to close 47 bugs to have 
created bugs # = closed bugs #
* -95 bugs over 365 days (1 year)
* -160 bugs over 500 days (between 1 and 2 years)
* -331 bugs over 1600 days (4.3 years)

A good result would be to close 47 bugs during 10.7 and an excellent goal would 
be to close 95 bugs during 10.7 (i.e. have as many bugs closed than opened for 
the past year).

2) Improve our tests and make sure that our global TPC is increasing again and 
not going down. See
* http://markmail.org/message/up2gc2zzbbe4uqgn
* http://markmail.org/message/grphwta63pp5p4l7
* http://markmail.org/message/hqumkdiz7jm76ya6

I think the following activities would be good one for 10.7:
* Increase coverage especially for modules that have lost coverage. See all the 
lines in red on https://up1.xwikisas.com/#-GNXv9QYlBWPXTHNnvQD2g which should 
be high priority modules.
* Add tests for modules that don’t have tests yet (for example I added some 
functional tests last week to the xwiki-platform-menu module which didn’t have 
any test at all)
* Once coverage has been increased, up the jacoco threshold wherever possible ;)
* IMPORTANT: Fix known flickering tests
* (easy, to relax ;)) Convert JUnit3 and JUnit4 tests to JUnit5

Repartition of Work

Ideally we should spend 1/2 on BFD and 1/2 on Tests. We could say that the 1st 
15 days are on Tests and the last 15 days on BFD (or the opposite), or just let 
everyone handle his own time table and just make sure we do roughly half of 
both activities. I don’t think it would be good to have devs focus only on 
tests and others only on BFD. I’d really prefer that each dev does 1/2 of both.

My preference goes to leave each dev choose when they work on BFD and on tests 
with an agreement that we will try to do half of each.



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