On 02/05/2019 11:33, Vincent Massol wrote:

On 2 May 2019, at 11:22, Simon Urli <simon.u...@xwiki.com> wrote:

Hi all,

On 02/05/2019 11:20, Thomas Mortagne wrote:
On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 10:57 AM Vincent Massol <vinc...@massol.net> wrote:

I did a quick analysis of 11.2 & 11.3 to see how many bugs we fixed since they 
were supposed to be BFD releases.

The results are not that impressive:

* XWiki 11.0 (non BFD): 32 bugs closed
* XWiki 11.1 (non BFD) 44 bugs closed
* XWiki 11.2 (BFD): 37 bugs closed
* XWiki 11.3 (BFD): 54 bugs closed

Here’s the graph:

The graph shows that during the period (March and April) we had:
* Created issues (128)
* Resolved issues (123)

So we were not even able to catch up with created bugs during the period.

So the question is: why are we not able to catch up?

Let’s look at who closed bugs during the period:

Top resolvers:

* Simon Urli - 32
* Thomas Mortagne - 30
* Vincent Massol - 15
* Guillaume Delhumeau - 5
* Marius Dumitru Florea - 2

So one reason is that we roughly have only 2 main issue resolvers (Simon and 
Thomas) and the other committers are not closing enough. So not enough manpower.

Would be interesting to see if we have more bugs being created every month 
these days when compared to, say, 2 years ago.

For ex:
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2019-03-01 and created <= 
** 70 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2018-03-01 and created <= 
** 41 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2017-03-01 and created <= 
** 46 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2016-03-01 and created <= 
** 81 bugs created

More generally:
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2015-01-01 and created <= 
** 780 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2016-01-01 and created <= 
** 732 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2017-01-01 and created <= 
** 609 bugs created
* category = 10000 AND type = Bug and created >= 2019-01-01 and created <= 
* 257 bugs created so far. Extrapolates to 257*3 = 771

So it seems we don’t have specifically more bugs being reported in general.

So it seems it’s mostly a manpower/focus issue.


FTR Marius was on leave for a full month during those BFD releases, so we lost 
an important manpower for fixing issues then.

That’s a good point indeed.

We could have expected something like 15-20 bug fixes more if Marius had been 
around a month more I guess.

We would have been over the created bugs number by something like 15 bugs for 
the period.

Still not as much as we had hoped.

I remember that I was hoping to catch up on the last 365 days (100 bugs) but I 
forgot that new bugs would be added during the period…

So to catch up with 100 bugs, if we do +7 when we do a BFD release, we would 
need a full year of BFD releases to catch up…

Another thing that might be interesting to check is the criticity of bugs we fixed/opened during that period.



Simon Urli
Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
More about us at http://www.xwiki.com

Simon Urli
Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
More about us at http://www.xwiki.com

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