Hi everyone,
Thanks for having me here

About Me

I am Ashish Sharma, selected as a student for Google Summer of Code. I am
final year student enrolled in Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,
Delhi. I am a resident of India.

GitHub -  https://github.com/ashish932/xwiki-helm-chart/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashish932/
Riot - @ashish932:matrix.org

I will be presenting my project "Helm Chart for XWiki" to all of you.
are the relevant details.

Helm Chart for XWiki

Mentors: Shubham Jain, Neha Gupta

Technologies: Kubernetes, Docker, other if required

The proposed project is a helm chart that would deploy xwiki as highly
available and reliable. It should be configurable with different
databases(either a standalone database or a clustered one) that are
configurable with xwiki. It would give the option to either configure solr
externally (standalone or clustered) or managed within the container. It
should deploy the app on a shared file system like a rook. It should
support Istio virtual services, istio matrix, and istio distributed tracing
and should be a secured system with RBAC and security credential rotation.
The chart should be easily deployed on GKE and amazon EKS.


->  Support for different Databases
->  Choice between using an external database, a single node DB or a
multi-cluster DB setup
-> Support for shared file system
-> Support for istio and it's services
-> RBAC, SSL and other security methods

If you have any features in mind that should be added please feel free to
reply to this mail.

Some Design Questions?
-> Which Databases should be supported?
-> As we have to detach solr out of the docker container(run it in an
independent container) would be there a requirement for a code change, and
we should approach it?
-> Apart from solr is there any other stateful service that could or should
be detached from the docker container?

Here is my current repository which deploys XWiki for MySQL database using
official XWiki docker container:-

Thank You
Ashish Sharma

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