Thanks a lot Dev team.

Here in Ethiopia we will test and report.


On 10/21/15, Lars Helge Øverland <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> DHIS version 2.21 is out with a lot of great new features and improvements.
> Log in with admin/district on the demo <>
> system.
> File cloud storage: You can now upload and store large files directly from
> data entry forms. Data elements can have a file value type and render as
> file upload widgets in forms. Files can be stored either on the Web server
> or sent directly to AWS S3 <> cloud storage,
> which in practice provides unlimited storage capacity. This capability
> allows you to use DHIS 2 as a general document repository which can be
> utilized for project management, documentation, CMS and many other
> purposes.
> File storage currently works for aggregate data entry forms - tracker
> coming up. Have a look at the “Project management” data set in data entry
> on the demo:
> Demo <> | Docs
> <>
> | Screenshot <>
> Settings app: The settings front-end has been re-written as a true app. It
> features real-time saving, search for settings and a fresh new look.
> Demo <> | Docs
> <> | Screenshot
> <>
> Data import constraints: Several optional constraints for data import can
> be enabled to provide stricter control of the data being imported. These
> include require period to be of same type as data set, data element to be
> assigned to data set through org units, and more. The import constraints
> can be enabled in settings app under “data import”.
> Docs <>
> ---
> Functions and variables in program indicators: Program indicators support a
> range of functions and variables. Functions allows for conditional
> statements, calculation of number of days between dates and more. Variables
> allows you to insert e.g. event date, enrollment date and value count into
> expressions. This is useful for example to calculate “inpatient bed days”
> and complex scores.
> Docs <> | Demo
> 1
> <> | 2
> <>
> | Screenshot
> 1 <> | 2
> <> |
> 3
> <> | 4
> <>
> |
> Custom aggregation types: A program indicator now has an aggregation type
> property with the standard options such as sum, avg, count, std dev min,
> max. When set to custom, the indicator expression can contain inline
> aggregation types, allowing for greater control over aggregation.
> Docs <> |
> Screenshot
> <>
> Program indicators and data elements in GIS: The GIS app lets you analyse
> program indicators, attributes and data elements on maps.
> Demo
> <>
> | Screenshot 1
> <>
> | 2 <>
> Program indicators in event reports: The individual event overview supports
> program indicators, which allows you to display calculations per event
> directly in the overview.
> Demo
> <>
> | Screenshot
> <>
> Download data dump: Pivot table lets you download data in CSV format
> directly without first rendering the data in the Web browser (which might
> lead to the browser freezing for large data volumes). This allows you to
> download much larger batches of data which is useful for later offline
> analysis.
> Screenshot <>
> Complete events only option: All analysis apps provides an option for only
> including completed events in the aggregation process. This is useful e.g.
> to exclude partial events in indicator calculations.
> Screenshot
> <>
> Full precision option: Pivot table has an option for “skip rounding” of
> values, i.e. full precision of values. This is useful for certain data
> types such as financial data, and when doing calculations in external
> systems.
> Screenshot <>
> Aggregation type for attributes: Tracked entity attributes have an
> aggregation type property which lets you control how attributes are
> aggregated in pivot tables, charts and analytics.
> Screenshot
> <>
> ---
> Attribute categories in event capture: Data set categories can be enabled
> for programs without registration and be used in the event capture app.
> This means that events can be attributed to projects and partners just like
> it can be for aggregate data sets. You can enable it by setting a category
> combination for the program. Check it out on the demo for the
> Demo <> |
> Screenshot
> <>
> Sticky right side widgets: In tracker capture, the right-side widgets can
> be made “sticky”, meaning that they remain at the top of the screen when
> scrolling down the page. You can enable this by clicking the “sticky” icon
> in the top-right corner of the dashboard screen. This is useful for example
> to display key patient information while entering data.
> Screenshot
> <>
> Program rule warnings and errors: The program rules let you define warning
> and error messages as actions based on rule evaluation. This is useful e.g.
> to provide assistance and guidance to health workers based on medical best
> practises during consultations. It can also be used for data validation
> purposes, e.g. to provide warnings for values out of range or logical
> violations between data elements. Program rules are supported in tracker
> capture dashboard and event capture. Try it out on the demo with the “WHO
> RMNCH Tracker” program.
> Demo <> |
> Docs <> |
> Screenshot
> <> | 2
> <> | 3
> <>
> Program rules for attributes: Tracked entity attributes can be used for
> program rules to create dynamic behavior e.g. in tracker dashboard.
> Docs <>
> Attribute inheritance: Tracked entity attributes can now be defined as
> “inherited”. In tracker capture, these attributes will be pre-populated
> when registering new persons in the relationships dialog. This is useful
> e.g. when registering children in relationship to mothers to avoid having
> to enter last names / family names.
> Screenshot
> <>
> Hide sections: Program rules let you hide form sections based on evaluation
> of rules. This provides more flexibility e.g. for surveys where skip-logic
> is needed.
> Docs <>
> Immediate unique attribute validation: In person registration forms, unique
> attributes are validated immediately.
> Screenshot
> <>
> Active programs widget: The dashboard in tracker capture has a new widget
> for displaying active programs. This is useful to see at a glance which
> programs this person is enrolled in. You can select which widgets to
> display on the dashboard from the top-right settings icon. By selecting the
> “active programs” widget it will be included on the dashboard.
> Screenshot
> <>
> Ethiopian calendar support: The Ethiopian calendar is now fully supported
> in, including tracker and aggregate data entry and analytics.
> Screenshot <>
> Coordinate data element value type: A new data element value type for
> coordinate is available, which will enforce a valid coordinate to be
> entered through data entry forms.
> Docs <>
> Extended attributes: Dynamic meta-data attributes are supported for
> category options and category option groups.
> Docs <> |
> Screenshot
> <>
> Cache instruction per object: You can set cache lifetime for individual SQL
> views and standard reports. This means e.g. that certain SQL views can have
> no caching whereas other SQL views can be cached for two weeks, depending
> on the requirement of the SQL view.
> Demo
> <>
> | Screenshot <>
> ---
> General-purpose data store: A new key-value store for JSON data has been
> introduced in the Web API. This is useful for apps which need storage for
> app data or settings. The data store provides a namespace, key and JSON
> value for each record, with optional security per namespace linked to
> authorities.
> Docs <>
> Custom logos: Custom logos for front page and top menu can be uploaded
> through the new staticContent Web API resource. This allows for easy
> customization of the UI.
> Docs <>
> Preheat cache option: All meta-data endpoints support optional preheat of
> caches, which implies better performance for smaller endpoints.
> Docs
> <>
> Enums in data model: Enums are introduced for all properties with
> predefined sets of valid options in the the data model. This makes it
> easier to create apps as you can easily discover valid options for
> properties through the schemas endpoint. Consult the upgrade notes for a
> list of changes.
> Upgrade notes <>
> ---
> Organisation unit hierarchy performance: Everything related to the org unit
> hierarchy, including loading of trees, assignment of data sets/programs,
> org unit search and analytics, now performs much better, as org units are
> now located in the hierarchy using database queries. A lot of performance
> improvements have been done in general based on profiling and monitoring.
> Temporary resource tables: Resource tables are written to temporary tables,
> then swapped with real tables when completed. This removes the timespan
> when no resource tables were present, causing trouble for SQL views and
> queries which depended on them.
> Translations: The French UI translation is now complete.
> ----
> You can download Live package, WAR file, sample data and source code here:
> You will find documentation and Javadocs here:
> You can read the upgrade notes and find upgrade script here:
> The demo application can be found here:
> Full list of features can be found at the Launchpad page:
> Instructions for signing up for the DHIS 2 mailing lists here:
> Enjoy the new features.
> best regards,
> the DHIS 2 development team

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