Everything done from the user interface is done through the API, so yes.
The API also gives you more flexibility to filter etc. The manual describes


On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 8:56 AM, Isaiah Nyabuto <isaiahnyab...@gmail.com>

> Hi Knut,
> Yes. And is it possible to do that APIs?
> Thank you.
> ==========================
> Isaiah Nyabuto
> +254729572616 <+254%20729%20572616>
> Bsc. Health Records Management and Informatics
> On Feb 15, 2018 16:29, "Knut Staring" <knu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Isaiah,
>> When you say "extract", you mean you want to take metadata from one
>> instance of DHIS2 and import to another one? That can be done through the
>> user interface as described in the user manual:
>> https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/user/html/import_export.html
>> https://play.dhis2.org/2.28/dhis-web-importexport/index.action
>> You can also load metadata from CSV:
>> https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/developer/html/webapi_csv_m
>> etadata_import.html
>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 7:33 AM, Isaiah Nyabuto <isaiahnyab...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jason,
>>> Thank you. I am going to look into that keenly.
>>> And If I may ask, is there a way I can extract dhis2 metadata that can
>>> be imported directly or with minimal transformations?
>>> This will be helpful. Thank you.
>>> ==========================
>>> Isaiah Nyabuto
>>> +254729572616 <+254%20729%20572616>
>>> Bsc. Health Records Management and Informatics
>>> On Feb 15, 2018 15:16, "Jason Pickering" <jason.p.picker...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Isaiah,
>>>> You have
>>>> "parent":"vpiZlB5cdK7"
>>>> It should be
>>>> parent":{"id":"vpiZlB5cdK7"}}
>>>> Be sure your JSON structure is exactly as it should be, otherwise, you
>>>> will get those kinds of errors. Study the example here
>>>> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jason-p-pickering/dhis2-data-munging/master/ous/ous.json>
>>>> .
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jason
>>>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 1:07 PM, Isaiah Nyabuto <
>>>> isaiahnyab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you for the tip. It still doesn't work.
>>>>> what does this error mean?
>>>>> httr::content(r, "text")
>>>>> [1] "{\"httpStatus\":\"Internal Server Error\",\"httpStatusCode\":500
>>>>> ,\"status\":\"ERROR\",\"message\":\"Can not instantiate value of type
>>>>> [simple type, class org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit]
>>>>> from String value ('It7fWcKbcZX'); no single-String constructor/factory
>>>>> method\\n at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.
>>>>> CoyoteInputStream@1efec811; line: 1, column: 73] (through reference
>>>>> chain: org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit[\\\"parent\\\
>>>>> "])\"}"
>>>>> Anyone?
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> ==========================
>>>>> Isaiah Nyabuto
>>>>> +254729572616 <+254%20729%20572616>
>>>>> Bsc. Health Records Management and Informatics
>>>>> On Feb 15, 2018 13:14, "Jason Pickering" <jason.p.picker...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> All of your fields must have exactly the correct names:
>>>>> shortname -> shortName
>>>>> featuretype-> featureType
>>>>> Keep hacking at it! You will get there!
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jason
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 11:08 AM, Isaiah Nyabuto <
>>>>> isaiahnyab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jason,
>>>>>> Here is some bit of my post data.
>>>>>> {"organisationUnits":[{"name":"Wikithuki 
>>>>>> Dispensary","uid":"Bc371uxfYD5","code":"16925","parent":"vpiZlB5cdK7","shortname":"Wikithuki
>>>>>> Dispensary","description":"","comment":"","featuretype":"POINT","coordinates":"[37.95263,-0.77819]","url":""},{"name":"Gemifa
>>>>>>  Medical 
>>>>>> Clinic","uid":"Z7Lf1n3Fcpi","code":"22907","parent":"mEZBjj4fLBT","shortname":"Gemifa","description":"Clinic","comment":"","featuretype":"NONE","coordinates":"[34.391914,0.059575]","url":""},{"name":"Olympus
>>>>>>  Medical 
>>>>>> Clinic","uid":"NAbQdHuaJFK","code":"22906","parent":"PeEcMfBchbr","shortname":"Olympus","description":"Clinic","comment":"","featuretype":"NONE","coordinates":"[34.3994,0.059575]","url":""},{"name":"Masaba
>>>>>>  Community Health 
>>>>>> Unit","uid":"tYwHeLSnHyb","code":"600616","parent":"QR2K4k8VKF1","shortname":"Masaba
>>>>>>  CHU","description":"Community 
>>>>>> Unit","comment":"","featuretype":"NONE","coordinates":"[34.46411,0.19358]","url":""},{"name":"Gatunga
>>>>>>  Health Centre","uid":"cmay4WXRmhA","code":"12034","parent":
>>>>>> After changing the "uid" to "id",  still it doesn't work.
>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 12:14 PM, Jason Pickering <
>>>>>> jason.p.picker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Isaiah,
>>>>>>> Post a bit of your JSON here from  
>>>>>>> toJSON(list(organisationUnits=new_org),
>>>>>>> auto_unbox = TRUE)
>>>>>>> One other problem I noticed as well is this
>>>>>>> [{"name":"Wikithuki Dispensary","uid":"Bc371uxfYD5"
>>>>>>> It should be
>>>>>>> [{"name":"Wikithuki Dispensary","id":"Bc371uxfYD5"
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 10:01 AM, Isaiah Nyabuto <
>>>>>>> isaiahnyab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jason,
>>>>>>>> I get an internal server error code: 500, after trying that. Here
>>>>>>>> is the response;
>>>>>>>> httr::content(r, "text")[1] "{\"httpStatus\":\"Internal Server 
>>>>>>>> Error\",\"httpStatusCode\":500,\"status\":\"ERROR\",\"message\":\"Can 
>>>>>>>> not instantiate value of type [simple type, class 
>>>>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit] from String value 
>>>>>>>> ('It7fWcKbcZX'); no single-String constructor/factory method\\n at 
>>>>>>>> [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream@1efec811; 
>>>>>>>> line: 1, column: 73] (through reference chain: 
>>>>>>>> org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit[\\\"parent\\\"])\"}"
>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 10:36 AM, Jason Pickering <
>>>>>>>> jason.p.picker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Isiah,
>>>>>>>>> The reason for it not working (at least at first glance) is that
>>>>>>>>> you are posing to the /api/metadata endpoint. Thus, you need to tell 
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> server what you are trying to import. In this case, its organisation 
>>>>>>>>> units.
>>>>>>>>> I think changing this to
>>>>>>>>>   r <- POST(url, authenticate(dest.user, dest.pass),
>>>>>>>>>             body = toJSON(list(organisationUnits=new_org),
>>>>>>>>> auto_unbox = TRUE),
>>>>>>>>>             content_type_json())
>>>>>>>>> should work.
>>>>>>>>> The example works because the file
>>>>>>>>> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jason-p-pickering/dhis2-data-munging/master/ous/ous.json>
>>>>>>>>> looks like this:
>>>>>>>>> {"created":"2016-08-10","organisationUnits":[{"id":"u6yjgvIMzKn",...
>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps and best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Jason
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 6:34 AM, Isaiah Nyabuto <
>>>>>>>>> isaiahnyab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Jason and Dhis2 Community,
>>>>>>>>>> I am following your guide on bootstrapping
>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/jason-p-pickering/dhis2-data-munging/blob/master/bootstrap/bootstrap.Rmd>
>>>>>>>>>>  dhis2 with R while trying to import metadata using the API.
>>>>>>>>>> I do not understand why my metadata is not imported. Here are my
>>>>>>>>>> steps, any help will be appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>> head(org)                          name         uid   code      
>>>>>>>>>> parent             shortname
>>>>>>>>>> 1         Wikithuki Dispensary Bc371uxfYD5  16925 vpiZlB5cdK7  
>>>>>>>>>> Wikithuki Dispensary
>>>>>>>>>> 2        Gemifa Medical Clinic Z7Lf1n3Fcpi  22907 mEZBjj4fLBT        
>>>>>>>>>>         Gemifa
>>>>>>>>>> 3       Olympus Medical Clinic NAbQdHuaJFK  22906 PeEcMfBchbr        
>>>>>>>>>>        Olympus
>>>>>>>>>> 4 Masaba Community Health Unit tYwHeLSnHyb 600616 QR2K4k8VKF1        
>>>>>>>>>>     Masaba CHU
>>>>>>>>>> 5        Gatunga Health Centre cmay4WXRmhA  12034 IcAegRcGuV6 
>>>>>>>>>> Gatunga Health Centre
>>>>>>>>>> 6         Cfw Kimangaru Clinic E52UsoBxJVS  11966 vEAFtHnPDrX  CFW 
>>>>>>>>>> Kimangaru Clinic
>>>>>>>>>>      description openingdate closedate comment featuretype          
>>>>>>>>>> coordinates url
>>>>>>>>>> 1                         NA        NA               POINT  
>>>>>>>>>> [37.95263,-0.77819]
>>>>>>>>>> 2         Clinic          NA        NA                NONE 
>>>>>>>>>> [34.391914,0.059575]
>>>>>>>>>> 3         Clinic          NA        NA                NONE   
>>>>>>>>>> [34.3994,0.059575]
>>>>>>>>>> 4 Community Unit          NA        NA                NONE   
>>>>>>>>>> [34.46411,0.19358]
>>>>>>>>>> 5                         NA        NA               POINT   
>>>>>>>>>> [37.9423,-0.29656]
>>>>>>>>>> 6                         NA        NA               POINT  
>>>>>>>>>> [37.53009,-0.54506]
>>>>>>>>>>   contactperson address email phonenumber
>>>>>>>>>> 1            NA      NA    NA          NA
>>>>>>>>>> 2            NA      NA    NA          NA
>>>>>>>>>> 3            NA      NA    NA          NA
>>>>>>>>>> 4            NA      NA    NA          NA
>>>>>>>>>> 5            NA      NA    NA          NA
>>>>>>>>>> 6            NA      NA    NA          NA
>>>>>>>>>> I followed the following steps to prepare my df for import.
>>>>>>>>>> 1. Removed all the NAs  and columns with entire NAs.
>>>>>>>>>> head(new_org)                          name         uid   code      
>>>>>>>>>> parent             shortname
>>>>>>>>>> 1         Wikithuki Dispensary Bc371uxfYD5  16925 vpiZlB5cdK7  
>>>>>>>>>> Wikithuki Dispensary
>>>>>>>>>> 2        Gemifa Medical Clinic Z7Lf1n3Fcpi  22907 mEZBjj4fLBT        
>>>>>>>>>>         Gemifa
>>>>>>>>>> 3       Olympus Medical Clinic NAbQdHuaJFK  22906 PeEcMfBchbr        
>>>>>>>>>>        Olympus
>>>>>>>>>> 4 Masaba Community Health Unit tYwHeLSnHyb 600616 QR2K4k8VKF1        
>>>>>>>>>>     Masaba CHU
>>>>>>>>>> 5        Gatunga Health Centre cmay4WXRmhA  12034 IcAegRcGuV6 
>>>>>>>>>> Gatunga Health Centre
>>>>>>>>>> 6         Cfw Kimangaru Clinic E52UsoBxJVS  11966 vEAFtHnPDrX  CFW 
>>>>>>>>>> Kimangaru Clinic
>>>>>>>>>>      description comment featuretype          coordinates url
>>>>>>>>>> 1                              POINT  [37.95263,-0.77819]
>>>>>>>>>> 2         Clinic                NONE [34.391914,0.059575]
>>>>>>>>>> 3         Clinic                NONE   [34.3994,0.059575]
>>>>>>>>>> 4 Community Unit                NONE   [34.46411,0.19358]
>>>>>>>>>> 5                              POINT   [37.9423,-0.29656]
>>>>>>>>>> 6                              POINT  [37.53009,-0.54506]
>>>>>>>>>> 3. Then post the data as follows.
>>>>>>>>>> dest.url <- "http://localhost/dhis/";
>>>>>>>>>> url <- paste0(dest.url, "api/metadata?importStrategy=C
>>>>>>>>>> REATE&atomicMode=NONE")
>>>>>>>>>>   r <- POST(url, authenticate(dest.user, dest.pass),
>>>>>>>>>>             body = toJSON(new_org, auto_unbox = TRUE),
>>>>>>>>>>             content_type_json())
>>>>>>>>>>   assertthat::assert_that(r$status_code==200)
>>>>>>>>>> 4. The body looks like.
>>>>>>>>>> jsonlite::toJSON(me, auto_unbox = TRUE)[{"name":"Wikithuki 
>>>>>>>>>> Dispensary","uid":"Bc371uxfYD5","code":"16925","parent":"vpiZlB5cdK7","shortname":"Wikithuki
>>>>>>>>>> Dispensary","description":"","comment":"","featuretype":"POINT","coordinates":"[37.95263,-0.77819]","url":""},{"name":"Gemifa
>>>>>>>>>>  Medical 
>>>>>>>>>> Clinic","uid":"Z7Lf1n3Fcpi","code":"22907","parent":"mEZBjj4fLBT","shortname":"Gemifa","description":"Clinic","comment":"","featuretype":"NONE","coordinates":"[34.391914,0.059575]","url":""},{"name":"Olympus
>>>>>>>>>>  Medical 
>>>>>>>>>> Clinic","uid":"NAbQdHuaJFK","code":"22906","parent":"PeEcMfBchbr","shortname":"Olympus","description":"Clinic","comment":"","featuretype":"NONE","coordinates":"[34.3994,0.059575]","url":""},{"name":"Masaba
>>>>>>>>>>  Community Health 
>>>>>>>>>> Unit","uid":"tYwHeLSnHyb","code":"600616","parent":"QR2K4k8VKF1","shortname":"Masaba
>>>>>>>>>>  CHU","description":"Community 
>>>>>>>>>> Unit","comment":"","featuretype":"NONE","coordinates":"[34.46411,0.19358]","url":""},{"name":"Gatunga
>>>>>>>>>>  Health 
>>>>>>>>>> Centre","uid":"cmay4WXRmhA","code":"12034","parent":"IcAegRcGuV6","shortname":"Gatunga
>>>>>>>>>>  Health 
>>>>>>>>>> Centre","description":"","comment":"","featuretype":"POINT","coordinates":"[37.9423,-0.29656]","url":""},{"name":"Cfw
>>>>>>>>>>  Kimangaru 
>>>>>>>>>> Clinic","uid":"E52UsoBxJVS","code":"11966","parent":"vEAFtHnPDrX","shortname":"CFW
>>>>>>>>>>  Kimangaru 
>>>>>>>>>> Clinic","description":"","comment":"","featuretype":"POINT","coordinates":"[37.53009,-0.54506]","url":""}]
>>>>>>>>>> What could be the problem there? I get status 200 and still it
>>>>>>>>>> doesn't import.
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>>>> Isaiah Nyabuto
>>>>>>>>>> +254 729 572 616
>>>>>>>>>> Bsc. Health Records Management & Informatics, JKUAT.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Jason P. Pickering
>>>>>>>>> email: jason.p.picker...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> tel:+46764147049 <076-414%2070%2049>
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>>>> Isaiah Nyabuto
>>>>>>>> +254 729 572 616
>>>>>>>> Bsc. Health Records Management & Informatics, JKUAT.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Jason P. Pickering
>>>>>>> email: jason.p.picker...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> tel:+46764147049 <076-414%2070%2049>
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> --------------------
>>>>>> Isaiah Nyabuto
>>>>>> +254 729 572 616
>>>>>> Bsc. Health Records Management & Informatics, JKUAT.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jason P. Pickering
>>>>> email: jason.p.picker...@gmail.com
>>>>> tel:+46764147049 <076-414%2070%2049>
>>>> --
>>>> Jason P. Pickering
>>>> email: jason.p.picker...@gmail.com
>>>> tel:+46764147049 <+46%2076%20414%2070%2049>
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>> --
>> Knut Staring
>> Department of Information, Evidence and Research
>> World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
>> Office: +41 22 791 3683 <+41%2022%20791%2036%2083> Mob1: +33 6 4434 2931
>> <+33%206%2044%2034%2029%2031> Mob2: +47 9188 0522
>> Skype:     knutstar

Knut Staring

Department of Information, Evidence and Research
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Office: +41 22 791 3683 Mob1: +33 6 4434 2931 Mob2: +47 9188 0522
Skype:     knutstar
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