Le Wed, Sep 04, 2002, à 12:22:30PM -0500, Lars Clausen a écrit:
> On Wed, 04 Sep 2002, Andrew Marlow wrote:
> > Now that I have fixed configure to build a set of Makefiles for dia with
> > the GNU 3.2 compiler I find that the code is riddled with problems. I
> > have fixed some of these but have a long way to go. Would anyone be
> > interested in me completing these fixes or is this a known (and in hand)
> > problem?
> This would be a wonderful thing to get fixed.  Since Debian doesn't have
> gcc 3.2 yet, you'll be in a good position to kill these problems earlier.

Huh ?

muscat%dpkg -l "*g??-3.2*"
Souhait=inconnU/Installé/suppRimé/Purgé/H=à garder
| État=Non/Installé/fichier-Config/dépaqUeté/échec-conFig/H=semi-installé
|/ Err?=(aucune)/H=à garder/besoin Réinstallation/X=les deux (État,Err: 
||/ Nom            Version        Description
ii  g++-3.2        3.2.1-0pre1    The GNU C++ compiler.
ii  gcc-3.2        3.2.1-0pre1    The GNU C compiler.
ii  gcc-3.2-base   3.2.1-0pre1    The GNU Compiler Collection (base package).
un  gcc-3.2-doc    <néant>        (aucune description n'est disponible)
ii  gcj-3.2        3.2.1-0pre1    The GNU compiler for Java(TM).

(I might have pulled this from experimental, though I believe it's from sid)

        -- Cyrille


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