Le Tue, Jul 22, 2003, à 11:29:06AM +0100, Andrew Marlow a écrit:
> Hi,
> I just tried to build dia 0.9.1 on Solaris 8 and found that
> configure fails because libpng refers to zlib routines but
> test programs that link with libpng do not also link
> with zlib. This manifests as can't find a definition
> of neither finite nor isinf (sic). The definitions
> are there, it's the link that's failed.

Yup, the linker on Solaris does not honour transitive dependencies. If
libfoo is needed by libbar, then to link baz you can't get away with just
providing -lbar like you can on Linux and *BSD.
> Can some knowledgeable person please investigate?

Hmmm... I can't do much right now; but basically you have to tell configure
to also supply -lz when checking for libpng. Check the arguments for

Bizarrely, at least one place of the configure.in does this:
        AC_CHECK_LIB(png, png_read_info, ,png_ok=no, -lz -lm)
can you check that there is no redundant png test, and that the test which
fails indeed stems from this specific AC_CHECK_LIB ?

        -- Cyrille

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