On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 03:52:34PM +0200, Lars Clausen wrote:
> The SVG plug-in is but an extension of the DiaSvgRenderer, so it'd be
> better to improve the base class.

After further reading of SVG specification, I think the better way is
to specify an arbitrary font size in pt as style of SVG root element,
then simply add "em" to the font-size properties.

This will fix "round" problem, and allow user to change globally the
font sizes in an easy way (the factor "font size: xxxpt" in svg root
element style).

I hope it will also allow us to raise a dialog box which will allow us to
specify the global font size (note I currently have no capabilty on
that, as I'm a complete beginner in C).

It seems, for that purpose, I need to change both plug-in and

Do you agree on that?

Thomas Harding
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