Le 19/10/2010 17:16, Mark Hempelmann (ta.ken) a écrit :
> As flowcharts are widely used in Wikipedia, my humble opinion is that
> not only Dia would profit from such an approach, but the wiki-community
> might find this a great opportunity to discuss and become involved.

IMHO, as Dia exports itself to SVG and PNG, this kind of extension to
MediaWiKi is not needed.

AFAIK, there are PHP functions which can convert SVG to PNG efficiently.

What is done with the quoted Mediawiki extension would be done better if
Dia would be used to export at upload-time to both SVG and PNG, then let
the HTTP server choose what to serve through content-negotiation.

The only problem will be user generated custom-shapes, once more, which
could be solved by custom-shapes inclusion into the Dia file plus viewports.

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