Hello Hans,

Le mardi 15 mars 2011 à 21:53 +0100, Hans Breuer a écrit :

> At 15.03.2011 08:42, Mathieu Dubois wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I use Dia to draw some schema and it's a very good program (I
> > particularly enjoy LaTeX export). I just have a simple boring message at
> > startup.
> >
> > A long, long time ago I used a PNG image in a Dia schema. I think the
> > file was on my USB stick and it's no longer here. Now each time Dia
> > starts, I have the message "The image ... was not found".
> >
> There is only one place in Dia with an error message "The image ...", 
> namely: objects/standard/image.c - the implmentation of the "Standard - 
> Image" object accessible via the main toolbox area.
> Apparently you once choose to set the default image path of the Image 
> object by double-click on the respective toolbox icon. You can now do the 
> same thing and simply delete the path from the "Default: Standard - Image".

Thank you very much for the tip, it worked very well.

> > There is a "Don't show this again" checkbox but it does nothing (bug?).
> I'm currently pondering ideas to get rid of the original reason to 
> introduce that checkbox and the whole message filtering.
> > I have tried to remove the preference file in ~/.dia but it did nothing
> > too...
> >
> You did not remove the correct preferences file. It is defaults.dia storing 
> the object defaults.

OK. I'll keep that in mind.


> Regards,
>       Hans
> -------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
> Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
> get along without it.                -- Dilbert
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