
On 05/06/2011 12:17 PM, Helen Ruud wrote:
I fail to save the content of the diagrams hence when I open up my Dia
document all that is left is the title, nothing to view.
I encounter no error msg or anomalies in the saving process, all follows the
regular routine and I make sure to save the file as .dia.
I'm not sure if your problem is with saving or opening the file.
To verify that saving works, you could try e. g. the following:

* Create a sample diagram containing just one shape
* File->Save As... (Where do you save the file and what is the name?)
* Close Dia
* Locate the file and verify in on another computer. If you don't have
one available, you could send it to sdtef...@gmail.com

To verify that opening works:
* Start Dia
* Try the recent files list - it's at the bottom of The Dia File menu.
* Your sample file should be right there.


* Download a sample file like
* Start Dia
* Use File->Open to open the downloaded file.

Note that there is one thing NOT working (yet): Dia on Mac OS X
is not able to open files when you double-click on them in Finder.
You always have to start Dia first and then use File->Open to open your files.

If this does not help, could you provide additional information on your system?
E.g. which language do you use?

I assume that you're using the DMG from



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