
I am happy to make a template - can I get Dia to call it when I hit the New?

I have saved my start up Dia all over the place as Diagram1.dia, but it
never gets used  - or at least the Page Setup doesn't travel with it.
 Perhaps I have to give it a special name or extension, as well as find the
correct location?



On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 5:06 PM, Hans Breuer <h...@breuer.org> wrote:

> At 16.06.2011 07:14, Michael Ross wrote:
>> I have settled on a page setup preference of 0.5in margins all around and
>> a
>> scale of 38%.  So every Dia I make I have to change this, because I can't
>> figure out how to make it a default for new Dia(gram)s.
>> Is there some way to make these settings stick?
>>  Not without changing the source. I'm still undecided though if this
> should be just an extension to the page setup dialog.
> Or if some broader approach like using a template diagram for File/New
> would be more appropriate.
> Regards,
>        Hans
> -------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
> Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
> get along without it.                -- Dilbert
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