
sorry for the late reply, but I do have an answer for you:
In UML there actually isn't an "interface type", but interfaces are defined by giving a class the stereotype "Interface". In dia this can be done through the class properties window, second field on the first tab. dia2code reads this information and correctly generates code for the interface.

I noticed that this question didn't go to the dia mailing list. I don't know why, but you would've received a quick answer there...

Greetings, Ale

On 05/25/2012 03:52 AM, JIA Pei wrote:

Hi, all:

1) Just start using DIA. It seems DIA only targets at C++, rather than Java.
On the one hand, in the DIA UML, there is no type "interface" for Java.
On the other hand, as for the tool dia2code, it's supposed to be able to produce Java code. My question: without a model of "interface" in DIA, how is dia2code able to produce a Java interface?

2) Is there any possibility that DIA take "interface" into its consideration? Or, is there a substitute way for DIA to deal with the concept "interface"?




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