There is no restriction in GPL against sales ! What is an obligation is to provide source code together or offer it with no extra cost except hard-copy/shipping costs to who has buy GPL software.

So, to be honest, as they didn't done any authoring, would be the answer "this is GPL'ed, has free download repositories for sources, severale unices, msWindows...

What service could be "charged" by an extra company in case of Dia would be quality printed manuals, a source survey and "user" hotline <=> bug report service (preferably with patches), new ports, improvements, or features developpement (shapes, ...). Ideally such a company would gave back devel to Dia mainline (according fact Dia is GPL, any of its customer would be able to do so)...


On 31/07/2012 17:21, Michael Ross wrote:

You should go to the Dia website and review the license agreement. I personally hope you do not sell it to them and explain to them that is is free to use. No cost.


On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 8:37 AM, Dirk Haller < <>> wrote:

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

    we got an inquiry from our customer about the following products:

    *1 Unit of diaw.exe        for commercial using*

    Please send a formal quotation with specify terms and conditions
    for delivery as well as availability, anticipated delivery time
    and delievery
    charges/proccesing fees and dealer discounts.
    We also need to know which operating system the software supports.
    Also we need informations on which language
    do you´ll deliever the software. At last let us know on which form
    the software will be delievered: Boxproduct or electronicaly

    How is the procedure after the first year if our customer buy the
    support/maintenance option. Will renewal this automatically and
    our customer must cancel this explicit ??
    If so we need to know the details about the cancellation procedure.

    Please send your quote to my attention at *

    For more informations about our company please have a look on our
    homepage ( here you´ll find
    an english company profil.

    Do you have more questions please sent a short e-mail message,
    we´ll answer asap. (No telephone calls please)

    Thank you in advance for quick response.

    best regards

    Dirk Haller
    Purchase department

    CCP Software, Postfach 520, 35017 Marburg
    Tel.: 0049-6421-1701-25
    Fax: 0049-6421-1701-10
    E-Mail: <>


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