Greetings, Paul Smith!

> Hi, I am looking for a tool to simplify design and documentation of small
> Database Applications, ideally starting creation of the ER Diagram, from
> which the SQL DDL is generated to create the tables in the target RDBMS.

What about MySQL Workbench?

> I read Dia maybe such a tool.

> I spent a while playing with Dia, first the ER Palette but had difficulty
> seeing how it allows creation of traditional ER Diagrams using the simple
> Chen 1:N, M:N, 1:1 Notations seen in many textbooks from decades ago, where
> each Relation between a pair of tables, can be shown by 1 of the 3 simple
> line types connecting a Field in 1 table with a Related Field in another.

> I then tried the UML Pallete. From what I can see, UML appears overly
> complex for design of small DB Apps, with many many objects to pick from;
> again none matching Chen, but some appear to have a similar function, eg
> 'Association' - but that states it merely 'associates 2 classes, which is
> not the same as connecting a Field in 1 table with a specific Field in
> another.   That surely obscures the simple logic of Chen type notation ?

> I created a test Dia diagram (attached) containing 2 tables named Books &
> Authors, with fk AuthorID in Books hopefully linked to pk AuthorID in
> Authors.  I say hopeful, because the 'Dia Link' appeared to just connect
> the 2 boxes, not the specific fields in each box.  I need a tool to test
> the validity of the DB 'model'

> Are there any Tutorials showing how to use Dia for design of DB Apps.,
> going from classic ER Diagram to SQL to create the tables in the selected
> target RDBMS ?

> I read Dia has a library of 'plugins' to adapt its functionality to a range
> of applications.  Where can I find an index to this Dia library, and does
> it have plugins to adapt it for the various dialects of SQL and
> functionality particular to the different RDBMS's in use today ?

> I could not find such a list, but came across what appear 12 standalone
> tools (in https:/ > 'Tools that generate something
> from Dia diagrams ) that sound from their names, complement Dia by
> transforming data from suitably prepared Dia Diagrams into SQL code to
> build the DB App.  Some say they use 'perl scripts', which I am not
> familiar with.

> Bearing in mind I use only Windows platform, can anyone point to a review
> of these 12 tools, or recommend which, are nearest to simplify design and
> documentation of small Database Applications ?    As all RDBMS engines
> support different subsets & supersets of SQL92, to make App design easier,
> the tool should support the set of functions implemented by the target
> RDBMS, i.e. not having to fight shortcomings of the tool.   The target
> RDBMS I want to design for is HSQLDB.   If no tools exist for using Dia to
> build HSQLDB tables, it may help if there is one supporting a near relation
> to HSQLDB.

> If Dia is not able to do the above, can anyone recommend a preferably
> open-source (free) tool closer to this requirement ?

> I thank the Dia community for any help on this.

Andrey Repin ( 23.10.2012, <18:50>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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