Greetings, Alejandro Imass!

>> I don't believe you can connect two lines end to end.  I think that is what
>> the inquiry was about.

> Michael, you are correct. My last email was incorrect, only one
> connection point that can receive connection in the middle.

>> But if you have a connection point the you can move that point around and
>> the two lines will follow it.  Seems like the perfect solution for the
>> diagram he is trying to make.

> Yes. If you add a few they will get close enough to the end.

> If the ends of lines can connect (i.e. are connection points
> themselves) why can't they connect to each other?? it seems like
> something easy to fix...

Quite simple - it is to remove ambiguity of multiple lines connection to the
same connection point of a shape.
If lines can't connect end-to-end, it reduces the possibility of lines
connection to each other instead of the shape's connection point to zero.

Andrey Repin ( 27.11.2012, <15:32>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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