On 06/11/2014 03:43 PM, Michael Ross wrote:

This is a common occurrence - a new user has a bunch of suggestions (that are often repeats of previous ones from years past) that are not informed by experience with the program, how open source work gets done, and an unwillingness to adapt to what is given. I have had the same reaction myself. If someone points out a functional work around - it may be the path of least resistance to use it. We do not understand the inner workings of SVG, the basis of Dia, and over which the Dia developers do not have any more control over than we do over Dia.

I don't mean to be rude, but if users point out year after year at some odd feature, then maybe is time to review that bit of UX? It's not a technical deficiency of SVG format, it's just a odd convention Dia developers choosed: I can see why they did it so, virtual paper allows for a infinite canvans, but most people are used to think in our phisical, finite world.

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