On Mon, 2014-11-03 at 23:57 +0100, Hans Breuer wrote:

> As I said (or tried to say) neither the specification nor the 
> implementations is available yet.

But I could still make it work by writing objects in code for upstream
adoption, rather than just using the customs shapes objects. Just
choosing the right licence and offering a 'patch' should do the trick,
right? This sheet would then be present in the object directory.

> Please be aware that the UML - Class object is the last thing you should 
> use as an example. It is the last object implementation which does have 
> custom GUI code and a lot of that is using deprecated GTK+ stuff.
> All other objects get there user interface through the standard properties 
> system.

Good to know.

> Yes, again I was talking about the design, but one probably to be rejected. 
> At least my reading of the SVG specs makes the switch element probably too 
> limited for the use case at hand.
> BTW: you wont find any of the used SVG tags by greping for e.g. <g> because 
> Dia is passing the 'undecorated' tags to the underlying XML library.

I guess it would have been specified somewhere in the code in XML.
Looking for 'switch' only returns programming statements or descriptions
of the network elements.

> So no <switch> ;)

At least not in an initial version.

> This is a known weakness of the current shape specification. I've tried to 
> reverse engineer what's currently implemented some while ago:
> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/dia-list/2008-July/msg00084.html
> But IIRC nothing was changes due to the huge amount of exisiting shapes.

That is unfortunate, since it would straighten-out shape definitions. I
guess just adjusting all upstream shapes wouldn't be sufficient since
users might have custom shapes to work with.

> Sketching the desired shapes with an annotated diagram looks like a good 
> basis for discussion.

Great, I'll head to the library of the university soon.

Thanks again.
Nico Rikken

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