On Mon, 2019-04-29 at 09:34 +0200, Louisa Laudi wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,

Awfully formal! I case you hasn't noticed this is a mailing list and
everything said is public record, I expect you know that already though
> Because of my bachelor thesis I´m searching for a visualization-tool
> that is able to create entity-relationship-models (ERM). Current data
> is saved as an .xlsm-file – in a structure that not like an expected
> format for ERMs. Simply a connection between data and shapes would be
> possible with this data-structure. Of course, it´s possible for me to
> implement some program that will transform the Excel-File into an xml
> etc.. As part of the tool-evaluation I want to focus on following
> aspects:

Basic ERM is actually how I got into Dia
>       Support Windows: yes / no
>       Support Notation Barker: yes / no
>       Support Notation Martin / Crow´s Foot: yes / no 
>       Import Excel-Format (incl. csv, xml):
>       Link – structure Excel:
>       Export Image-Format (PDF, JPEG, PNG, …):
>       Reverse Engineering: yes / no
>       Identify / Show changes after update data-set: yes / no
>       Supported Import-Formats:
>       Versioning: yes / no
>       Multi-User-Access to one project: yes / no
>       Trial available: yes / no
>       Price (in runtime x for organizations) : x€
>       License type:
>       Running costs (e.g. for support): x€
>       Programming skills neccessary? : yes / no

Not sure what this list is about?
> These should be the content of the future ERM (semi-/automatic
> generated):
>       Entity-names – possible: yes / no
>       Relationship-names (next to arrows) – possible: yes / no 
>       Generalization / Specialization of entities– possible: yes /
> no 

> I haven´t found all information on your website. That´s why I´d
> kindly like you to give me an answer to all of these “feature
> requestes”.

Well our 'website' is an interesting problem..... Have you tried using
dia? I suspect that would answer quite a few of your questions
> Thanks a lot!
> Best regards,
> Louisa Laudi
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Zander Brown <zbr...@gnome.org>
GNOME Design Tooling (Icon Preview)
Dia Diagram Editor

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