On Mon, 2019-05-20 at 20:53 -0400, rhkramer--- via dia-list wrote:
> On Monday, May 20, 2019 04:42:48 PM Zander Brown wrote:
> > Personally I'm on-board with this kinda bodge-job, esp if it makes
> > use
> > of dia! I mean with all the other outstanding work I'm not going to
> > rush to implement stuff that makes this easier but I do kinda like
> > it
> > 
> > Protractor/Ruler is a pretty neat idea though which could be
> > interesting and "measure" has been requested in the past,
> > definitely
> > worth investigating at some point
> By googling I found several things that were essentially "virtual
> protractors" 
> -- here are two I put in my "notebook".  Note that the first does not
> display 
> an image of a protractor (and may only measure angles from the
> vertical, which 
> may mean that you have to measure two angles and find the
> difference.  The 
> second displays an image of a protractor.  There are others, some
> that only 
> work in specific applications (e.g., in the Chrome browser):
>    * [[
> https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fosprotractor.sourceforge.net%2FProtractor.html%5D%5BSimple&data=02%7C01%7C%7C404d3dfd51ea4aa05b0208d6dd86d0b5%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636939968428283799&sdata=hZwGgngihi%2F6aLQ6s0FMTElQBXFneSyq1FVm7IkyBac%3D&reserved=0
> on-screen 
> protractror.]]--afaict, it doesn't show an image of a protractor,
> iiuc, you 
> just define some points / lines and then you get the angle, it needs
> Java, at 
> least JRE 1.7.
> `
> On-Screen Protractor is a simple java application that allows to
> measure an 
> angle on the screen.
> Originally the program was conceived to assess the angle between
> north and a 
> given point on any map open on the screen, therefore the background
> of the 
> application window is transparent and the angle is measured from the
> positive 
> y-axis and clockwise. The application allows to move the origin of
> reference 
> axes and to rotate the axes as needed.
> '
>    * [[
> https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fredbridgeserc.org%2Fresources%2Fentry%2Fvirtual-protractor%5D%5BVirtual&data=02%7C01%7C%7C404d3dfd51ea4aa05b0208d6dd86d0b5%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636939968428293804&sdata=F2rtsuCmu0kajgcd5shJxnyNMkEZlMU2hdvA0WvwW2k%3D&reserved=0
> protractor]] -- this one shows an image (iiuc), not sure of software 
> requirements

I mean it shouldn't be too hard to implement in Dia as the diagram
already has defined physical dimensions AND we know the scale at which
it's being rendered, just need to hook into that

Of course this would be implemented in C as aside from being complex to
integrate Java is horrible, esp when we want to be packaged for

Really it's just needs to be another overlay like selection boxes

Unfortunately I just don't have time ATM to work on that right now,
focus is on issue backlog and modernisation rather than new features

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Zander Brown <zbr...@gnome.org>
GNOME Design Tooling (Icon Preview)
Dia Diagram Editor

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