> Good Day,


> I am currently enrolled in a Java programming course at my university

Commiseration on using Java

> and as a student who is blind, I am enquiring if your software is accessible
> to screen readers; preferably, JAWS.

I see your using Windows, unfortunately your unlikely to have much luck

On GNOME we support Orca (and other AT-API tools) but the canvas itself is a
bit of a black hole somewhat limiting it's usefulness

tl;dr: Dia probably isn't for you I'm afraid

> I am having to create, and read Uml class diagrams and I am very interested
> in finding software that work with my unique situation. Any help that you can
> provide will be greatly appreciated.

Not sure you going to have much luck but hopefully you'll fine something

> Thanks,

Good luck!

Zander Brown <zbr...@gnome.org>

  Dia Diagram Editor
  King's Cross / KGX
  GNOME Design Tooling (Icon Preview, Colour Palette)

  GNOME Clocks

  en_GB Translation Team

  Me ≢ GNOME
Zander Brown <zbr...@gnome.org>

  Dia Diagram Editor
  King's Cross / KGX
  GNOME Design Tooling (Icon Preview, Colour Palette)

  GNOME Clocks

  en_GB Translation Team

  Me ≢ GNOME

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