Looks like someone has left a hardcoded path in the Makefile, try searching
for /DYSK2/users/marcink etc and editing for your local setup.

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcin Kasperski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 26 April 1999 13:31
To: Dia
Subject: Sth. spoiled today...

I just cvs update'd dia sources, compiled it (succesfully) but while
running it I get the following
(dia runs but there are only UML and ER symbols available):

bash-2.01$ ./app/run_dia.sh
Error loading library:

undefined symbol: modem_type

-- Marcin Kasperski     Marcin.Kasperski<at>softax.com.pl
--                      marckasp<at>friko6.onet.pl
-- Moje poglądy są moimi poglądami, nikogo poza mną nie reprezentują.
-- (My opinions are just my opinions.)

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