On Fri, 14 May 1999, Sebastian Fischmeister wrote:

> Hello.
> Hm. I updated my cvs-version today, and found lots of nice new
> features. Nevertheless, there is one, of which I do not know, whether
> it is a bug or a feature.
> When you have long method-names and lots of parameters, then the line
> is automatically 'newlined'. Even if this makes sense, many times this
> really looks ugly (and destroys old graphs)! If it is a feature, can
> you please put an choicebox in the preferences dialog so it can be
> turned off. (or even for each file)

Argh, i just reverted this change. If someone (Kim?) really wants this he
has to make it optional (per class) and don't change anything if it's not

/ Alex

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