Just a small patch to the control-drag functions:

Index: app/modify_tool.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/dia/app/modify_tool.c,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -r1.13 modify_tool.c
<       vertical = (abs(full_delta.x) < abs(full_delta.y));
>       vertical = (fabs(full_delta.x) < fabs(full_delta.y));
<       vertical = (abs(full_delta.x) < abs(full_delta.y));
>       vertical = (fabs(full_delta.x) < fabs(full_delta.y));

Lars R. Clausen (http://shasta.cs.uiuc.edu/~lrclause)    Hårdgrim of Westfield
But unlike Boruvka's algorithm, we do not recompute leaders from scratch every
time we add an edge.  Instead,... the two leaders duke it out in a nationally-
televised no-holds-barred steel-case grudge match.   --Lecture Notes for CS373

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