On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Stepan Mik wrote:

> Hi
> it's my first posting to the conference, so I would like to say that i
> found DIA veru useful but ..
We had a big discussion about this some time back...The jist of it was we
would wait until the undo functionality was pretty much in place before
starting. It means tearing up quite a bit about how properties currently
work. (For example color should change all objects selected with a color
property, no just objects of the same type).

> I took a look into source code and I think that's impossible (one 
> property dialog per object), but such feature would be very handy.
> Some time ago I've started to write property editor which allowed this
> feature. 
> If you are interesetd, let me know, I would like to paricipate on DIA
> project.
> 3) Can one object own another objects ? 
> Have a nice day 
>    Stepan Mik ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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