On 15 Sep, Shawn T. Rutledge wrote:
> Maybe obsolete soon too.  There are two competing XML drawing DTDs
> intended to be a vector graphics standard for the 'net (just like
> PNG and JPG for raster graphics).  VML is being advanced by MS
> so I would assume that they would want the Visio storage format to be
> VML.  Presumably it's extensible enough to serve as both a generic
> graphics standard and the Visio native format.  I'm guessing but that's
> the sort of thing XML is supposed to enable.
> Adobe is pushing PGML as an alternative.  See 
> http://www.xml.com/xml/pub/98/06/22
> I think DIA ought to adopt one or the other if it makes sense technically.

The WWW Consortium has codified these into a single standard, SVG, that
is moving into its final drafts. It's already drawing quite a bit of
industry support as well, and Raph Levien's vector graphics project for
GNOME uses it, so there's code available. Lots of info available here:



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