Dia prints that error if the document is not a valid XML file (ie.
openning and closing tags don't match or the <?xml ...?> header is
missing).  Looking at your code, the only thing I see that could cause
this is this line:
    print qq{    <dia:object type="UML - Class" version="0" id="O},$i-1,qq{">
        <dia attribute name="obj_pos">
          <dia:point val="$x,$y"/>

This is probably supposed to say "<dia:attribute" rather than
"<dia attribute".  See if this helps.


WWW:   http://www.daa.com.au/~james/

On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've written the following dumb perl script to generate a dia file
> from my database table layout (pretending that each table is a UML object
> with just attributes). So, I run this, and try to read the resulting
> file. I get "Error loading diagram: /tmp/dbinfo Unknown file
> type". What am I doing wrong?
> I suspect that the problem has to do with not knowing up-front what
> the width/heights should be for everything. How do I calculate those,
> if I don't know the font, etc?

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