On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Cyrille Chepelov (home) wrote:

> Hi all, 
>   sorry for the delay, I've had a hard time getting accustomed to my new
> job (and its "inhuman" hours [I hate getting up before the sun,
> especially during winter]).

Bah, don't be sorry about that. I've been planning to do some work on the
property solution i proposed, but i just can't find any time.

I've checked in the patch after a fair amount of cleanup.

Can people that send me patches in the future make sure that:

* The patch is agains the latest cvs and works with it.
* The patch has a *good* ChangeLog entry. Detailing all changes, what has 
  been changed and in some cases why.
* If some files are moved or removed, state that, so that i can remove
  files in cvs.
* Before mailing me the patch, *read it*. Make sure that there are no 
  hunks that are wrong (you can edit the patch if you want), and no 
  extra files got into the patch. Also make sure no generated files
  are part of the patch (Makefile, Makefile.in, configure).

> Four small issues, still :
>       - In which URL do we put the various XML namespaces ?

I changed the sheet namespace to:

I haven't changed all sheets yet though.

I think we should keep the diagram files namespace because of forward
compatibility. The shapes should probably be changed though.

>       - Libraries don't need to provide register_sheets(). Actually,
> they still have to, but newer libraries should not do anything in that
> routine. Shall we bump up the lib version number to reflect this change ?
 Hmm, i don't know. Doesn't matter much really.

>       - It might be interesting to change the toolbox building mechanism
> into taking the first three tools as usual, and then the contents of an
> invisible "toolbox" sheet ? This way a user could customise his/her
> toolbox.
 Might be a good idea.

>       - There should be a way to let a user specify in which order the
> toolboxes should be shown.    
 Any ideas? Maybe this should be done using the UI.

/ Alex

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