On Sat, 13 Nov 1999, Siegfried Stepke wrote:

* StarOffice won't read eps-Files exported from DIA (it just shows the
* text-Remarks from the top of the file); ghostview has no problems at all...

I have a similar problem ... Sometimes when I try to import dia-generated
eps-files in LaTeX it simply won't accept them. The errors vary, but often
it sais "file is not an eps-file". Using ghostview I verified that the
image actually *is* an eps. 

I also noted that the diagrams that I exported to eps and that do *not*
come through my LaTeX-compiler are saved poorly. When I re-open the
dia-files it looks horrible. Half of the document is gone and a lot of
stuff is shuffeled all over the document.

just my 5 cents ..


Bas van Gils ([EMAIL PROTECTED])    http://stuwww.kub.nl/people/b.vangils
tel# +31-6-24614919 (also SMS)     fax# +49-89-66617-61693
System Administrator of StuWWW at http://stuwww.kub.nl/ 
Student of Information Management and Technology at Tilburg University

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