What version of libxml are you using?  There have been some problems with
some of the 1.8.x versions, so make sure you have the latest version
(1.8.5), or downgrade to a 1.7.x version.  If anyone else has been
experiencing similar problems, please do likewise.


WWW:   http://www.daa.com.au/~james/

On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Johan Huisman wrote:

> Last night I downloaded your program Dia (ver. 0.82) and I like it 
> very much. But there seems to be a problem. When I save a file to 
> disk I can't load it anymore. This makes saving a file not very 
> usefull. Furthermore it seems to work ok (even the thing in the 
> know_bugs file are working fine!). Can you please help me, because 
> I'm going to use dia a lot.
> Thanks.
> S.J. Huisman
> The Netherlands

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