On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Scot E. Wilcoxon wrote:

I am working on that, besides allowing the selection
of attribute data types. I am still not sure what notation
to use, but what I currently have in mind is slightly
different from yours (like the one in DataArchitect).
Relationships would be represented the same way as
what dia uses now, but attributes would be in the
same box as the entity. I was thinking about making
the cardinality of relationships be stated by numbers
(1-n, 1-1, etc), but I think Ill use ut the 'chicken foot' one.

I'll probably need to hack the main preogram code too,
as I need to extend it to support diagram specific menus,
so it won't be available as a plug-in module (unless
the official distro supports the diagram specific menu stuff).

This is part of my graduation project, whi will be an extension for
dia to create SQL scripts (and maybe reverse
engineering too) from an ER diagram.


> >         Has anyone done the ER diagrams that look something like this:
> > 
> > TableName >0--------------||-TableName
> > --------                          ---------
> > column                            column
> > column
> > column
> > 
> > I think they are called an 'engineering' ER, but I can't remember.
> Looks a little like a "Ladder Logic" diagram, but that's an industrial
> controller programming tool.

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