On Fri, 19 May 2000, Zdenek Havelka wrote:

> HI,
>    :-) sorry for my bad english
> I have very strange problems with my office versus home dia installation.
> It was the same binary distribution of dia (except of libc and libX11).
> At home I have old Linux version with different locales. When I create .dia
> diagram on my home computer, on my office computer dia draw object at the
> wrong positions always.
> After some days I found why:
> Dia wrote into .dia file this type of info on my home PC:
> <dia:rectangle val="26,772,34,8292;31,3808,36,7292"/>
> And the same on my office PC with differerent locales:
> <dia:rectangle val="26.772,34.8292;31.3808,36.7292"/>
> It is because in my locales is decimal point defined as "," character, but on
> my work computer is "." used for decimal point.
> So, I prepare to you using some other character than "," to separate X and Y
> coordinate, because in some locales the "," character was used as decimal
> point.
> Or, please, use different type of notation.
> (for example, <dia:rectangle val="'26.772','34.8292';'31.3808','36.7292'"/> )
> many thanks

Upgrade to dia-0.85.  I fixed things so that it changes to the C locale
for LC_NUMERIC when writing those numbers.


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